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I just got tattooed on the back of my SKULL :D I saw the art work and I had to do it and since Im friends with the tattoo artist I got it done for just about NOTHING B)

I changed it around and and removed the backkground and only used the Moon around the Skull, I get some pics for ya latter right now Im sore


And this is the site that I found it on http://www.pamelina.com/pamelina_009.htm


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:D Holy sweet mother of... *rambles on senselessly* I just got tattoo'd on the back of my skull. Damn. That has to hurt like nobody's business! I'd ask what posessed you, but I suppose when you're living life isolated by darkness, you gotta do something to occupy yourself :D

Take your time with the pics, as interesting as I know they're going to be, you just put some serious strainium on your cranium.

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I like that design and I feel your pain. I just had my first tattoo done on tuesday, decided to have half an arm done in one go. Not quite a skull tattoo but it is only my first!! :D

Oh yeah, i guess this is really not your style of tattoo but i am cursed with stupidly skinny arms and anything too aggresive just looked like i was a wannabe


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Ok this is an EXTREAMLY CRAPPY PIC and it does not really show you how well done it is but at least it will give you an idea for now

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ive got both sides of my head done. i did not hurt as bad as others i have gotten

ill find the picks and scan them for ya

though its not a picture.one side says love,lies,fools and pain

the other is strength,attitude and respect. wich equates to my journey trough life

and how i overcame those obstacles

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Kewl bro. Very metal!

Now, how about the other side?

NO the one side hurt enough that I think I'll wait :D


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Well my tattoo was just about recked!!!!! for some odd reason they dont sell AandD any more so I was told to try vitamin E compond and man it really messed things up I lost most of the color in the Skull and I bit in the wings now Its nothing dale cant fix but it sure sucks :D


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I always used Tatoo Goo, if you can get it, it's well worth it. Smells good too

Ive heard that that stuff can cause scabing :D but I guess its beter than the other stuff I was useing


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Im talking about the Stuff that helps in healing with a fresh tattoo, now Ive never thought to use baby oil for after healing :D it sounds like it would work


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Baby oil or baby lotion without lanolin are perfect mate. My back didn't scab at all and was healed within 3-4 days, itchy as hell for the last 2 of them though! :D

The reason to avoid lanolin is that some people are allergic to it and it can irritate the area. Generally the cheaper lotions don't have it. Asda (Walmart) have their own range here that I use - the oil is there's too.

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