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paint tape off


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I've seen this stuff on a couple of tv shows that have been on discovery channel lately, featuring custom bike builders, when painting they use this thin tape (about 3/16) that's white and they do like all kinds of flame patterns with it really easily cause it's so thin and it looks like the stuff is kinda bendy, i thought the stuff might be good for doing some paint designs on guitars, anyone know where you can get the stuff? specialy hobby shop? car paint shop ?

i wonder if LGM uses it on some of his models??

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I use the 3M 1/8" and 1/4" blue vinyl (plastic?) tape for my flame tape offs. I have'nt seen the 1/16"...most auto supply stores who sell paint will carry this. On this Tele, I tape off the flames using the 1/8"...they look black because it has a coat of orange kandy on it. All the exposed orange you see, will be shot with orange (kandy) mixed with kandy red to give it a darker contrast. So I had to 'cover' the flames with more blue tape (tips) and the 3M green (for lacquer taping) on the large areas. 3M has the best quality tapes, don't get the generic stuff.


Here it is after all the tape is pulled. The 1/8" tape was used to give a thin silver flake outline of the flames.


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Thanks guys. I actually 'took' the idea from this famous guitar maker/painter. He will do kustom painting as well as ready painted bods. I do this more as a hobby and usually do trading stuff for my labor after being paid for the materials. I'm getting a flamed Maple tele neck, ebony board with Les Paul square pearl markers, reverse headstock and binding in trade for painting a Harley tank and fender. He flipped out when he saw the Tele and he just happens to be building a chopper as well as being a killer luthier.


I just finished my 'Goldie' Tele...this is what I'm putting the kustom neck on...


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Thanks again. That neck pup is a CC Rider (Charlie Christian) wound by Pete at Vintage Vibe Guitars...he makes guitars too as well as the pickguard for this uber kool pup. It has a big tone and is quite the jazz/blues pup...like a P90-Strat with a smooth edge. I have the SD Lil59 in the bridge that really burns...when mixed with the CC Rider, a nice rhythm crunch.

Good luck Derek...I alway find pulling the tape is like opening a Christmas present. :D

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Ah...at first I thought you might be Tony (of TDL guitars)...

I saw his stuff on Ebay and he does this sweet candy apple red/gold Tele (that first link) and this American flag Tele too (see top of Ebay page). I was going to have him build me a custom mahogany Tele with one humbucker and that red/gold flame paint job, but he's really busy and can't make a backrouted Tele yet, and I'm also lacking in funding right now (plus I'm sidetracked with other projects). If only he took credit cards...

Great looking guitars none-the-less.

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Thanks DbJ...no, I'm not Tony, but I know when I see something I like and get inspired to do it. Those are killer Mahogany bodies he has for sale in that link...now ya got me jonesing for yet another body to paint! :D I got half a can of Schwinn lime green kandy begging to hit some flakes. Ahhhhh...

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