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Stone Cold Satriani


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Two of my favorite DVD's this year were G3 and the Allman Bros., and I decided to build a guitar around each style.

So for my Prog-Rock Shredder, I'm building a Strat shaped, Floyd equipped, Quilted Maple over Black Limba guitar. Blue works so well for this kind of music, doesn't it? :D

I didn't start taking pics until the basic body was built, but oh well, that's the way it goes :D

First Pic: Here we have the body built, neck pocket routed, control holes drilled, and am about to start the Floyd installation.

I have found the centerline, marked my stud holes at 25", drawn in the first route cavity, and in the upper right hand corner, marked the spot for a 1/2" hole that gets drilled clear thru the body to align the bottom template.


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Desopolis, I used a router template to route the body out.

Yahilltrade, I already have the neck, it's already done, just haven't gotten that far with posting pics yet, stay tuned, it'll be up in awhile. :D

Chris, I don't even own a jigsaw, I think you mean a (TRUMPETS BLARE!) SCROLLsaw. B)

Big difference. :D

OK. First, top template drawn out so you can mark the 1/2" hole position.

2nd, drill hole.

3rd, route the rear cavity

4th, go back to the top and route the top cavity (well, the first one anyway)

And here we are:


Route Complete and Clean

2nd Router Template In Place For Recessed Route

All Top Routes Done (3 Total)

Another Shot Of Top Routes Completed

Mock-Up Floyd In Place For Fit

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Is the top glued on yet? Looks like there's a minor gap in the bookmatch. If it's glued on, you wouldnt mind explaining how you're going to fix?

Knowing Drak, if there was such a gap, that body would had faced the WOD a long time ago!!! I think it is a pencil line to mark the center line of the quilt.

The question I want to ask is how thick the top is, it looks very thin in the trem routes, but it looks at least 1/4" on the body rounding.

Very nice Drak, I like that there is another "Fender" quilt floating around in the forum!!! Other than teles!!! :D

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Drak, I like it.

If you're thinking blue for this guitar, I'm interested in how you will address the very different grain patterns between the maple and the limba. I'll just wait and watch (and learn).

Was Desdemona the ABB guitar, or is there something else in the works?

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Chris, you have a keen eye there :D

Yes, there is a small separation between the halves, I was using CA glue to join them, usually I have a little time to do any adjusting I need, but those halves were only about 1/8" and dried almost immediately on me, but I think it looks worse in the pic than it really is, the guitar is 75% done now, and you really can't see that anymore. :D

Yes, I used a roundover bit for the edge then sanded it some more to really round it out.

The coloring is already done, just haven't got the pics caught up with the progress yet. B)

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Yes, there is a small separation between the halves, I was using CA glue to join them, usually I have a little time to do any adjusting I need, but those halves were only about 1/8" and dried almost immediately on me, but I think it looks worse in the pic than it really is, the guitar is 75% done now, and you really can't see that anymore. :D

Sounds like you are slipping Drak! A small gap, is a gap none the less. WOD it.

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But I must ask WHY you use CA to glue up tops

Because it's FAST. :D

I've been using CA to join booked halves for quite awhile now, this one just got it's foot 'caught in the spokes' a little, so to speak.

I can join a booked top in about 10 minutes tops, and move right along, no waiting overnight, and this was the first one I had any problems with and I've probably done 20-30 just like this.

So, now that Chris brought this back to my attention (I had forgotten about it since applying the blue finish and it dissapeared) I will bring up a few interesting points about that seam irregularity.

Funny about the WOD, because I seriously considered ditching it for that very reason for awhile, but held off for obvious reasons (it IS a great top/body besides that small snafu)

Then, after contemplating it for awhile, I came up with the Shredder idea, as it would solve several problems:

Between the Floyd route and the pkp routes, almost ALL of that area would be basically gone anyway, and a dark blue finish would cover up any remaining visible evidence, and that is exactly what has happened, I actually had forgotten about the seam split for awhile now since the finish has been applied, so I guess it worked. :D

Back to johnsilver's question about what's going on with the Limba, I'll explain it now:

The rear got CA glue as pore filler, then clear nitro shot over that until it's perfectly level, (which is where I'm at with it right now actually) then I'll shoot a beautiful blue toner coat over that, (I might actually do that today), then more clear coats.

It is going to have a dark blue then black edge burst to it too, which is all coming up in the next few days. B)

I'm just trying to get the pics caught up to where I'm at with it. I stopped posting pics of my projects on the offchance that the guitar wouldn't make it to completion because it seems to upset you guys so much, so I now just hang on to the pics until I KNOW it's going all the way, then post them, which is what's going on with this one. :D

OK, back to the subject at hand. Here is a shot of the pickups already routed, and the hole for the pickup wires is being drilled. Links below show a few shots prior to this operation.


Here the bridge HB routing template is in place, ready to route.

Bridge Pkp Template in Place

Here the neck pkp mounting ring is placed so I know where to spot the pkp template so it buts right up against the neck, I don't like any area to show between them if possible.

Neck Pkp Ring In Place

Here is the outline drawn in so I know exactly where to place my template so it hits right up against the neck.

Outline of Neck Mounting Ring

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I like this one man!! its moveing along really fast and the wood looks tight and clean if the finish goes this well I forsee another GOTM with that axe in it!! :D

oh and man thats one sexy top B)


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I figured I had to get the MetalHeads on my side again, y'all don't seem to take too kindly to mah boot-scootin', bang-twangin', homemade grits-n-gravy stylee TeleCasters :D:D

Allrighty, here's some mo' fo sho'. B)

Here's the rear shot after the Floyd and rear control cavity were routed.


Here's the rear neck access area routed...

DANJ (Drak Access Neck Joint)

Next series will be cutting, sizing, and gluing the headstock veneer.

Then the dye hits the wood. :D

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Yes, there is a small separation between the halves, I was using CA glue to join them, usually I have a little time to do any adjusting I need, but those halves were only about 1/8" and dried almost immediately on me, but I think it looks worse in the pic than it really is, the guitar is 75% done now, and you really can't see that anymore. B)

Sounds like you are slipping Drak! A small gap, is a gap none the less. WOD it.

Say it ain't so! Obviously some "please don't trash it" newbie has somehow forded the moat, scaled the Castle wall, slithered past a slumbering WOD, and (horror of horrors) poisoned the mind of the Dark Master. :D:D

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Fo sho, fo sho. Every square inch of cavity is used up on these guitars. B)

OK, here's the headstock veneer pics.

First up, cutting it out on the (TRUMPET'S BLARE!) :D Delta scrollsaw.

This is not a reverse headstock, it is a normal Jackson style neck, the tracing is on the back.


Here is a shot of me thicknessing the laminate down to almost veneer thickness using nothing more than 2 pieces of Rosewood as stops. Works great.

Routing Thickness of Veneer

Here I'm CAREFULLY prying the veneer off of the table to which it is double-sided taped down to.

One wrong move and it's toast, it's very thin and the tape is very strong.

Prying Headstock Veneer Off Table

Here's a pic of the headstock of the neck before the veneer is glued on.

Headstock Shot

And a shot of the veneer being clamped to the headstock.

Clamps A' Plenty

We're pretty much to the dye part now. :DB):D

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