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Guitar Build Off...body Shape Poll


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the entrants are ...wezv,spazzyone,fryovanni,guitarguy,simo,croaticum,algeeater,canuck brian,manquesa,doeringer,maiden69,erikbojerik,desopolis,and our last minute entry RMS.

these guys are the only ones eligible to vote in this poll.body shape selections are

1)gibson/prs lp/dc




these guitars are the ones that recieved multiple votes..so this is the runoff.if there is a tie between two of them we will have another runoff

vote by # in your post(#1,#2,#3,or #4).you only vote for one shape this time.to repeat.each entrant gets one vote for only one shape.

notice the lp/dc are the same category.that's because they are for all intents and purposes the same guitar.

vote! :D

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