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Les Paul Re/decontruction

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no name les paul copy

set neck

not made of plywood

great neck profile

quickly painted the top gold.I always wanted a goldtop.now im going to strip i and refinish it.i want to move the p/u selector switch down to the control area like the SG has.


i'm leaning now towards making it a single p-90 p/u and adding in scratchplate. Any advice for filling in the control cavities or should i bite the bullet and just go with a p100 instead?

here's current progress anyway


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Wood, then epoxy gap filler. Leave them about 1/4" taller than the body, fill in the gaps with epoxy, then make a plywood template to go around them to provide a flat surface for your router, with shims to stand it off the body at the edges. Then rout for the P90s...routing on an already-carved surface is no fun. Sand 'em flush with the top to blend into the contours and you're done.

Or P100s. :D

Edited by erikbojerik
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this is what it was like when i first got it.

no idea what colours im using yet.I want to see the quality of the wood once i've stripped it totally.It appears to be an all black finish with some cheap gold spraypaint on the top and perhaps some 'clear' spray paint over it.got a cpl of holes to fill in on the top.

Edited by whitetrashrocknroll
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to fill the holes I'd approach it the same way that I converted a trem cavity body to hardtail...first make the holes square, then fill with wood. It might sound obvious but I've seen a few people try to fill irregular shaped holes & it just makes things harder. It might even be worth routing out a long rectangle to cover both pickups if you're changing to a P90 anyway. Make the hole nice & square, square off the edges with a chisel & you should be able to get a nice tight fit with the wood & need little or no filler.

BTW, I think that there's a trem to hardtail tutorial on the main site?...might be worth a look for ideas.

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  • 2 months later...

They could still be the same wood, the color of Mahogany varies greatly due to how it oxidizes, it is actually a very light color wood when it is freshly cut. It oxidizes into a beautiful medium brown rust color, I love the look of it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
Nice looking mahogany there, what brand is/was it?

Honestly I have no idea.

Originally a friend of mine had just asked me to resolder the neck pickup.It had come loose and sunk in missing a few screws.

After I did it and played it for a week I offered to buy it.I think I ended up giving him a 6 pack for it or something really cheap.

There was no headstock logo however someone has put a 'les paul' decal on it.

The tuners were blank chrome kluson style

The pickups were mis matched Ibanez pickups

From discussion I think it may have been an Ibanez however not old enough to be a lawsuit era.

The body sure as hell sounds mahogonay and has the weight.But i'm no expert in identifying woods.

It's sat in the case for close to 2 years now.The clear was just rattlecans and from what I read it's good to let it sit untouched for a while after painting with them... maybe not for that long though.

I've ended up just going with some p-100s

So i'll post some updates too asap.

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