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sorry if i seem like a miserable git when i have finished a guitar - i am always far to aware of all the little flaws and imperfections, plus with this one i had the pain of giving it up quite quickly after it was finished.

Its all worth it though, i took this picture when ricky came to pick it up:


Does he look happy?

Then last night Ricky sent me this email which i dont think he will mind me posting:

Hi Wez

First of all thanks again the bass is fantastic practically plays


i think you managed to get everything spot on. Firstly the weight of


bass is almost nothing with a thick strap and the balance is perfect.


bass also stays in tune almost imaculately, which will be good on the


The feel of the neck is cool as wel,the gloss isnt too thick and after

playing for a long time retains its feel and if anything gets easier to


This thing sustains forever, i think sonically the bass gives off a


rich midrange, plenty of mwah and quite growly when you dig in. the


even in passive mode gives gets you tons of tonal differences. with the

electronics im yet to find an unusable sound. i think the trick is a


even with a small turn of the controls you can get loads of


Still looking for flaws...... think i might be looking a long time ha


take it easy


Now i must confess - that made my day!!

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Another good thing happened today - i got some photo's of one of my earlier guitars being played at Wembley . . . with a full orchestra and chior.


This is for Globus music, you can check them out here:


There should be a video released this week that apparently heavily features my guitar

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Congrats, Wez, great stuff. Must be a little surreal to see one of your guitars being played at Wembley. That's awesome. I know how you feel about being microscopically aware of little imperfections...I have to see my first guitar every week, as it was for a guitar student of mine. It's a little like torture; all the "if only I"'s. Bass looks amazing, as does all your stuff. Hats off.


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Congrats, Wez, great stuff. Must be a little surreal to see one of your guitars being played at Wembley. That's awesome. I know how you feel about being microscopically aware of little imperfections...I have to see my first guitar every week, as it was for a guitar student of mine. It's a little like torture; all the "if only I"'s. Bass looks amazing, as does all your stuff. Hats off.


cheers, i am looking foward to seeing the bass being played live for the first time on friday night, i will probably get drunk and run round telling everyone "he's playing my bass!!" thats my usual way of embarrasing myself on a friday night

It is surreal seeing the guitar on stage at Wembley grand hall, i am looking forward to seeing how much air time it gets in the video and whether you can here it a little better in the new recording.

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The bass looks fantastic!

The wembly thing's awesome too!

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great job, man. unfortunately, the singer in that music video has a mullet. i hope that doesn't hurt business by wrongfully associating your guitars with hillbillies.

Focus on the guitar and the girl - turn down the volume, put on a nice bit of Metal - then its all good!! :D

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cheers setch, it s always nice to see them being played but it just gets better when they have had the guitar a while and are still playing it regularly over all their other guitars. Apparently this guy has quite a nice little guitar collection but it is mine that he will always come to first.

Unfortunately it looks like the video link has gone, i cant get on myspace whilst at work to check it so i will have a look later.

The song is 'Globus- orchard of mines'. for anyone that wants to look for it

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The guy that brought my LP jnr last year has come across a couple of nice old 'Tokai breezysound' necks that have never even been installed on a guitar, heres a maple one he wants me to make a body for.




Its nice and straight and with a little re-polish of the frets should make a good neck.

ANyway he wasnt particularly fussy about body wood so i offered to make it out of Idigbo - which is quite often sold as Korina or limba but is a different species to the tree that gives us black limba and white limba - these trees only give us white limba - - i'm confused now!! Anyway i am assured its sounds and works just the same as the black limba i have used before so i thought i would give it a go, especially since its quite wallet friendly.

Heres the log:


And a close up of the grain:


I dont think its as pretty as the other limbas i have used, the grain is fairly similar but the colour has a sicklier, greener tinge.

So far i have glued up the body blank, glued on a maple top and (very) roughly cut out the body shape.

This maple top came from a set of 15 blemished sets i got from ebay for a very cheap price, less than £4 a set. At that price i am willing to put up with a few flaws. I threw it into this build as a no cost extra and let the guy pick the set he wanted.

Heres the body cut out:


I was having some problems with my bandsaw (time for a new one i reckon) hence the rough cuts near the cutaways and neck pocket but this will all be sorted out with a router and template soon so please ignore it for now. The flaws in this maple are obviously the small bark intrusion and the darker streak down the middle, since the whole thing will be finished trans black i wasnt too worried about the dark streak and the bark intrusions were nicely hidden by the bridge:

Here it is with hardware in its approximate location:


Its a SD hotrails in the bridge and Jazz model humbucker in the neck.

I will get some better pictures of this idigbo on the back of the guitar once i have cleaned everything up a bit, i think its going to look quite nice under the trans black finish

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Keep an eye on the 'multiples' section of this ebay shop:


Out of the 15 sets i got there where probably two that i would consider blemished enough to not use for a guitar top, they had a bit too much bark intrusion. all the others have flaws that can easily be worked around without too much effort

The rest are great, i only went for them because i thought i might get 1 or 2 ok ones out of the 15 and thought i could use the rest for pickup rings, cavity covers and fretboard binding, stuff like that

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wow looking good.

I had an eye on your ebay auction the other day, I very nearly talked my mate into buying the bass but he couldn't get the funds in time...I'll try to get him to commission something :D

cheers Bilious - always need a push, i never like putting them on eBay because i am not well known enough for them to generate enough cash, but i needed some money and that bass had been my demo model for the past year and had a little damage. It sold in the end but it went for well under its value - still reclaimed the build costs and a little more so i am not too grumpy about it!! Its another one of basses out in the world being played and hopefully generating a bit of interest so its all good in the end - and somebody got a bloody bargain, even if i do say so myself!!

The finish on the telecaster will probably be trans black!!

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