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Old Behringer Strat Style Guitar

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Well, looks like you've got the most obvious answers :D I'll give you an alternative...buy another? I don't know what model you have but I've seen Behringer strat copies for £99 & probably less. You can spend money improving what you have or use it to get a whole new guitar. Intonation adjustments won't cost you anything & a finish makeover can be done very cheaply but new electronics will cost money. You need to weigh up whether cheap components will be any better than what you have, do you install expensive pickups or do you just buy a whole new guitar?

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Sell old + Buy new = :D

If its as bad as the behringer strat my neighbour had, then +1 to this.

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This site is full of those kinds of tips and ideas; however, the question is so general and broad that you won't get many useful answers. I don't mean that in any negative way-- simply, decide what you want the end result to be, start researching (visit ReRanch for at least an overview of some approaches to finishing, for example, though I'm sure the internet's full of such stuff!) and then when you run into specific questions backed by a sufficient "toe in the water" amount of research, you'll find people bending over backward to help you.


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Practice on the intonation and other adjustments to make the thing play well enough. There are a lot you can do with strat guitars given that the neck can be unbolted. Then, there are quite a few things you could do in the electronics dept like phse switching and such if that is of interest, at least you can learn what these things sound like. Then, if you felt so inclined you could build it into a sustainer guitar :D ...

As an example, my prototype sustainer guitar was built from a very cheap pawn shop axe in very poor condition and with missing parts. I stripped the paint and refinished in clear, significantly hollowed it out, fitted phase switching new pickup selection and mid pickup fader (all with the original pickups) and experimented with DIY buzzer style piezos... eventually, I used it as a test bed for my DIY sustainer guitar and although it isn't a great guitar to play it is a lot of fun, I learn't a lot, and anytime I get some wacked out idea, I have a test bed to play with it...


I highly recomend at least trying to get the thing to play ok... pete

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