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Small Semihollow


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Hi guys,

I started to work on the project I described there. It's a small semi-hollow, with a wenge body and a carved ash top. Since this is my first project, I bought a neck, a full maple telecaster replacement neck.

And here's what I've done so far !

The complete computer model:

plan4mo6.th.png plan2ro2.th.png

Gluing planks together:

002ashnm3.th.jpg 003gluingashsg4.th.jpg 004gluingwengeao3.th.jpg

The neck, found on ebay:


MDF template:


Copy of the contour lines with carbon paper:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments guys.

I want to keep a "natural" look, so I will probably just put some polyurethane varnish. However I'd be happy to accentuate the veins of the ash top, they look ok on the last pic I posted, but they are not so contrasted in real. Any suggestions ? Maybe the varnish will already make it look better ?

Thanks in advance for the tips !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your comment :D

I started the finish. Finally I won't stain the wood, I'll stick to the nice two tones of my woods, which are alreay pretty nice, all in all.

Sanding, sealer, re-sanding, then a first coat of varnish. I use 2-components polyurethane varnish, with a HVLP spray gun.

060frontsideaftersealerfn1.th.jpg 066coat1xo4.th.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

It took me some time, but the beast is now finished. I really don't like doing those finishing touches, but finally, it doesn't look too bad. I put bicomponent polyurethane varnish.

A big feature I didn't tell about is that this guitar can be taken apart ! That's its "travel-guitar" side. The neck can be dismounted from the body, whithout removing the strings. It takes less than 1 minute to dismount/remount it, and the strings are almost in tune when remounted. I wasn't sure if it would have worked well, but it's working really well, I'm very proud of it.

Its sound is what I expected; unplugged, it sounds louder than a solid-body, which is basically what I wanted, with good mediums, thanks to strings probably (I put 12-52 flatwound strings). Plugged in, it sounds very good as well, the tonerider pickup is what I expected, a big round warm tone, perfect for playing some blues or some jazz. I'll try to record some samples, and a video of the manipulation to take the guitar apart and remount it.

Here are some pics:

full1ds0.th.jpg back1dj1.th.jpg top1gx3.th.jpgtakenapart1ns1.th.jpg

Your comments are of course welcome !

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That is by far the best travel guitar I have seem.....I see money in your future....better get your name on it real quick.High quility travel guitar fech $2000.00 or more.I think you have just won idea of the year,too!!!! Thinking out of the box is just to cool....and you have done it proud.

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