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Warwick $$ Nt

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Well as my 7-string is nearing its end (Will post updates after done this thread haha) I have decided to get rid of my first bass so I took what hard wear was valuable, which was the bridge and tuning keys they are in perfect condition. It was an old Washburn Bantam series 5'er that i had de-fretted and then it jsut stopped working so i repaired output jack and that helped, then it just stopped working again so I just don't care and i never played it anyways, so I donated the neck and pickups and other stuff to the guitar building club at my school. ANYWAYS hers the plan.

Neck through

5 string

Pickups-1 or 2 Seymour Duncan SMB-4d's

Black Hardware

Natural Satin Finish

35 in scale

For the Body wood I am yet undecided I want to do a Wenge back, 1/2 inch maple core and wenge to because we have some VERY nice wenge at school for 8 dollars a Board foot!! but I am going to an exotic wood dealer this weekend fopefully and that may effect my decision. The neck will be maple, with wenge stringers possibly, wenge or whatever top wood i use for the head cap.


Made the body and head templates today. Body template looks nice, but I think I may have to fix the head template a touch so heres some pics. Enjoy :D








Tuning Keys


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Thanks man B) yeah it is probab;y the best thing that has ever happened to school. A new teacher there last year started it up and me and my other friend whos on this forum ngaa were taught how to build guitars last year. He helped us with our last ones but this time around for the latest ones i just pick his brain for its useful info on occasion :D But yeah the club only consists of a couple of us, only like 2 of us are gonna finish, one of the guys there is so clueless im scared for MY life when hes in the woodshop hahaha :D


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Yeah I have always wanted a warwick so bad but I just can't afford to shell out $1600 on a bass I want :D So im building one instead, im taking ectra care on this baby though haha

Yea thats why i started building a bass actually but then a happend across some money out of luck really, stil l really want to finish building my bass though.

Also my streamer is second hand so cost less than half the price than it would new =D

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Well Xanathus what i did is a printed off a decent sized picture of the bass then I made a transparency of the picture so that it could be displayed on and overhead projecter. Then i got a tape measure and measured from the 12th fret to the saddles and made sure that its was 17.5 (half of a 35 inch scale) then traced it.

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Hey i was just wondering... does the corevtte have a belly cut in the back or is it jsut rounded. I know that the Long and Mcquade has a bunch of em I just don't have a ride to get down there and check. Any help is appreciated. Also anyone know where to get brass frets i was interested in trying them out on this one.

Bass-man :D

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Hey i was just wondering... does the corevtte have a belly cut in the back or is it jsut rounded. I know that the Long and Mcquade has a bunch of em I just don't have a ride to get down there and check. Any help is appreciated. Also anyone know where to get brass frets i was interested in trying them out on this one.

Bass-man :D

LMI sells large fretwire, as does Stewmac.



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Hey i was just wondering... does the corevtte have a belly cut in the back or is it jsut rounded. I know that the Long and Mcquade has a bunch of em I just don't have a ride to get down there and check. Any help is appreciated. Also anyone know where to get brass frets i was interested in trying them out on this one.

Bass-man :D

I'm pretty sure it has a belly cut but haven't played on in a few months so could be wrong.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay sorry for the lack of posts on this one, jsut finishing up the 7 string rhoads(going for primer tomorrow) but I have the body cut and routed to shape and Cut out a piece of wenge for the neck laminates, still cant decide between 3 piece or 5 piece neck doh!! will figure out tomorrow when i work on her. And I just figured out a name for this sucker, it will be called the "Oreo" bass becase of all the maple and wenge it looks just like one lol.


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  • 3 weeks later...

OKay sorry for the lack of updates. I have gotten TONS of work done on this since i last posted, unfortunately I don't have any pics as of yet but I swear i will take some tomorrow :D But as for the work, i got the neck blank all glued up, then i got the fretboard on, and jsut today i cut out and shaped headstock, trimmed and routed neck to the fretboard taper and the neck is roucgh shaped. I forgot the body today so I didnt know where the exact joint was so i kept it at 18th fret to be safe(rather than sorry) but it is looking BEAUTIFUL. Well as i said progress picks tomorrow, ill have to keep you all in suspense B)


Bass-Man43 :D

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PICS PICS PICS body is glued headstock cut out neck rouch carved and this baby is lookin' fine!!!!!! she is quite heavy though.


Body shots





Neck/fretboard/headstock shots




So there were go all up to date, sorry for the very poor quality pics the camera im using is a P.O.S lol

feedback would be well loved

Bass-Man :D

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Although I'm not a big fan of the way wenge looks, this bass is looking pretty good so far! The work is very smooth and clean. Can't wait to see it finished. :D

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