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First Post: 5 String Bass

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I tought to post my first post here. Heres some pics of my latest creation: 5-string neck-thru bass. Neck is wenge with maple stripes. Body is bubinga with flamed maple top. Body shape is modified Rickenbackers 4001 style bass. It has 35 inch scale. pick-ups are EMG's passive series. Bridge is warwicks and tuners are Hipshots ultralites. I need to do trussrod coverpalte and electronics cavity cover.

Opinions and suggestions are welcome.



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Looks pretty nice! I think the bridge looks cool with the design and the colors offset nicely. Any more pics of the sides/back? :D

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Dude........ Dude....... Holy carp! I'd be sooo proud if I were you. That came out fantastic! Everything, from the understated woods to the (unnaturally, but it's cool) long upper horn. I agree with what everyone said here, the project comes together nicely. I especially like the ric-style horns.

A question, if I may, for future reference: Where'd you get the Warwick bridge parts?

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Thanks for all those comments. :D

I got that Warwick bridge from german music store called Thomann. It cost only about 50 euros. And I have to say that bridge has quite many possibilities of adjusting it. Ill add some more pics when I get those cover plates made. Ill make that trussrod cover from same flamed maple wich I used on headstock and top. Electronics cavitys cover Ill make from laminated wenge s it wont live so much.

I used oil and wax for finish. First 2 coats of oil to bring those flames up. Then 2 coats of Osmo Color wood wax. Wenge cam bit tacky (not sure if its right word for describing it B) ). It has so much oil in it self all ready so it didnt work so well. Hopefully it will start to harden bit better over time.

I think ill put some more pics of my creations here on this forum :D .

Thanks again!

Sorry about misspellings :D

Edited by Rudolph
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I bought mine from the Bass Centre in the UK, again for a very reasonable price. They're much better quality bridges than virtually anything else available for at same price.

I think your wenge may be tacky because of it's natural oils/resins, yes. Also, it has monster pores which have probably taken a lot of your oil up and made it slower to harden off?

I still can't get over how awesome that maple is on your top. How come it's so pale without so many of the usual darker grain lines? Anything to do with how the maple has been seasoned?

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Yeah I think those natural oils is that cause in that tackyness. About that maple I dont know :D I bought that piece from my friend and it has proven to be worth all I payed for it. That piece had enought to make another top for some project. Forgot to mention earlier about that basses weight. With all the hardware on its weight is about 5kg. because of that long upper horna and ultralite tuners theres no neck weightness at all. And it has quite long sustain too :D .

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I had a quick question, could you give some dimensions?

mainly, how much space is from the edge of the EMG to the edge of the guitar?

about how tall is the bass from the bottom to the end of the body( not the horn, I guess where the neck "starts")

I ask because I started a build, but I think I made it far to small for a bass. I get stuck on guitars and never notice..

heres a link:


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Do you mean you may have cut the heel or the side cutaways in too far Deso?

Yeah, I designed it around a set of EMG actives for a 5 string bass. if you check the link I posted its the build thread I started a gagillion years ago..

anyway, the sides are cut in to a EMG would have just over 2" on each side of the "neck" pickup.. Most basses have 4" from the edge of the cutaways...

Now that I look at it it feels TOO narrow. But my friend wanted a SOLID body bass, and I cant believe I got a piece that large...

I got my measurements from a Jazz bass, the widest part is the same width, and the horns of a Jazz bass are the same length..

the two designs look very similar (Based on a Rick) but smaller, so I was curious if im just being paranoid.. and if you go to that link, ignore the terrible headstock, I convinced him to change his mind.

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