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I've got a couple things to add meself:

*Bang-up job on the color! It's an awesome "faded denim" look, if I could name it myself.

*Matching the front and back, wood/color wise looks great! The maple and walnut really go well together

*Not a huge fan of the headstock, personally. Definitely the inlay, though, being a sucker for Celtic designs, not to mention a Celt myself

*I like the bridge you picked. I VERY rarely like that particular design, but I think because the top is so light it really goes well together.

*Speaking of the light top/chrome hardware, spend the extra few $$$ and get some chrome pickup rings :D

You seem to have quite a few pro tools kicking around the shop. Are you thinking of maybe making this more of a hobby? If this build is pretty indicative of your quality, then go for it!

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Thanks for the kind words and constructive criticisim. Kenny, I used the Stew Mac blue dye mixed with alcohol. I just mixed it a few shades darker than the color I wanted, then I hit it with some 0000 steel wool to expose the grain and repeated as necessary. Xanthus, I tried to follow the shape of the body with the headstock design. I will be changing the inlay for the next build, I'm thinking staying with the celt design but encasing it in a circle to make the inlay easier. I see what your'e saying about the pickup rings, I may just make a set out of walnut and see how that looks. I've got a ton to learn but someday I would love to acually be able to sell a guitar, however, I would need to perfect my work first and that's going to take me quite some time.

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Thanks for the kind words and constructive criticisim. Kenny, I used the Stew Mac blue dye mixed with alcohol. I just mixed it a few shades darker than the color I wanted, then I hit it with some 0000 steel wool to expose the grain and repeated as necessary. Xanthus, I tried to follow the shape of the body with the headstock design. I will be changing the inlay for the next build, I'm thinking staying with the celt design but encasing it in a circle to make the inlay easier. I see what your'e saying about the pickup rings, I may just make a set out of walnut and see how that looks. I've got a ton to learn but someday I would love to acually be able to sell a guitar, however, I would need to perfect my work first and that's going to take me quite some time.

Wood pickup rings..... YES! Maybe out of quilt maple, and colour them to match ur body, or chrome would be cool too, any ways I'm just splitting hairs over an awesome guitar.

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This is one of the most beautiful guitars I've seen in a long time!!!

I would actually keep the PU rings or, if they must be changed, keep them dark. I think otherwise they may distract from the overall color and shape of the guitar, which is already great. Just my thought.

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CHROME those rings! Gawd, this is a fabulous looking guitar. Absolutely look painstaking to have built it, and can appreciate it. Chrome pickup rings are totally FTW.

We definitely need a Youtube video of your test run once you got everything set and the electronics completed.


I think that's the first time I actually recommended a guitar for GOTM! DOOOO EEEET!!!!

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Wood would distract from the denim blue too much.

I think chrome is a lot more distracting than wood. :D The guitar has plenty of bling already if you ask me.

However, it will still look FABULOUS whether it has black, chrome or walnut rings! :D

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