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diamond plate?

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home depot in the hardware section, its in a rack with all kinds of steel and aluminum. its not to cheap but it will look cool! and its high polished aluminum so it looks really good and i think it would rock as a pick guard! you could cut it out with either a jig saw or a band saw then file to the line

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i too am using diamond plate for my project...its going to cover the whole front of my guitar...and its getting powder coated black...its a replica of james hetfield's signature esp explorer...should be pretty nice...im hopefully getting a friend of mine to cut it with a plasma torch but i might have to bust out the dremel for this one...damn "friends"

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Find a steel supply shop in your area. Most of these operations have a cut off bin. Here, you can get this plate for the price of scrap. It is usually sold by the pound. Since you don't need much, you may be able to get it for under $10.....depending on the going scrap rates. The last time I was at my supplier, I was able to get this aluminum plate for $.91 a pound. Usually, this material costs about $200 for a 4 x 10(or was it 8)ft sheet. I may even have a piece big enough for a guitar.


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Personally I like the diamond plate looks for pickguards, cabs, etc. One thing you gotta rember though is weight, it's STEEL. Even the aluminum is a good bit heavier than a normal pickguard or something. That being said you can also look at most places that sell car stuff (Try J.C. Whitney) they usually stock panels about 2'x3' which could get you a lot of guards out of. Plus it comes already polished which will save you roughly 1 million hours :D

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