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Project Diablo Super Strat

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First coats of sanding sealer. I am using Target Coats Sanding Sealer and a new HVLP gun. I like the ease of the water-based clear but am not a fan of the way it sprays. I grew up spraying and thought I was pretty good but the new gun and water based paint are rough to get smooth. I hope to learn this new stuff...

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Pictures of clear drying are boring. So lets talk about target coatings. The stuff takes some getting used to. I had to sand all the finish off the neck on this one because it turned milky were it was building up. It was my fault... I was not doing a good job of spraying and passed over the neck to many times on my way around. I have changed my spraying technique and I should be ok from here on out. I am finally getting the hang of the HVLP gun with a water based paint. I am still not getting good atomization need to work on it more.

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I also spent some time fixing up my compressor with a dryer and a filter to help keep moisture from messing up the water based paint.

Another lesson. Do not touch the stuff with water for 150 Hours or more. I made the mistake of wet sanding the guitar after a few days of hanging and it turned to a mess.

Another note. The can says to clean the surface with denatured alcohol. Do not use Denatured Alcohol on this finish as it will melt. They meant use denatured alcohol BEFORE putting any coats of clear on it.

Dry sanding has been a pain but it is the only safe way to scuff and level between days of spraying.

Here is the process so far.

1 coat of sanding sealer and let sit for hour.

1 more coat of sanding sealer and leave for a few days.

Sand out all the nibs with 400 then 600

4 coats and hour apart a day then let sit.

The next day scuff and leveled any runs with 600.


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Doesn't sound like you're a fan of the stuff. Maybe you could wet sand with mineral oil as a lubricant. Of course, you'd then need a way to clean it off before spraying again. Surely there's a way to do that.....


I need to get over to their forums and read what I am doing wrong...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Loads of nice ideas in that project actually, but what i would have loved to see:

Gold or silver hardware.

I'm not sure if that was mentioned before,

but i somehow got a feeling that gold or silver/chrome would look rad on that thing,

maybe brass, instead of the black you had on there before.

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Loads of nice ideas in that project actually, but what i would have loved to see:

Gold or silver hardware.

I'm not sure if that was mentioned before,

but i somehow got a feeling that gold or silver/chrome would look rad on that thing,

maybe brass, instead of the black you had on there before.

Seriously? Gold... Seriously? :D

You my friend have not read through enough of my build threads. I hate gold hardware. HATE gold hardware. Unless a customer requests it I will never use it. I really don't like gold hardware.

Next up I suppose you might suggest more than a volume knob... like a tone knob or something. What is wrong with you people?


All kidding aside in the pictures it looks very yellow... the guitar is not it is very light maple. Black is the only way to go (plus the customer said black hardware and I agreed) as silver would be lost on it.

Now if I could stop messing with funky moving zebra necks and wenge fretboards (see the 7 string I am building) I might get some time to put this together.

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Shazam that is beautiful. :D :D B)

Chevron is my favorite pattern of Maple, I will take some pics of my Chevron Steerhead Tele and post them to show you.

Really superb guitar, I love watching your builds almost as much as Metalhead's. B)

Lots of talent in yous guys.

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Shazam that is beautiful. :DB) B)

Chevron is my favorite pattern of Maple, I will take some pics of my Chevron Steerhead Tele and post them to show you.

Really superb guitar, I love watching your builds almost as much as Metalhead's. ;)

Lots of talent in yous guys.


Love to see the Chevron Steerhead... might even already have pics of it saved in my examples folder. :D

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Sold for $1358.00. And a cover of Believer and Mr. Crowley on my Mark IV.

Kinda cheap but the customer is a close friend. He bought the top and veneer.

It was supposed to be painted black but after the neck was done and before the body got started I told him to go buy a top.

The carve was a hilarious argument. He owns several very nice LP's including a first run Zack Wylde. He also owns a PRS.

He said "I want a Modern Eagle carve..."

I said "I hate PRS find someone else to build your guitar."

He said "Something like a Modern Eagle"

I said "OK"

He also ordered a RRV so the next one might be a little more expensive.

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I was that close to hit you over the head after the first line. :D

Still a good price for a beautiful hand-build guitar from the buyers perspective.

Actually i'm getting a SE this month. xD

I know, i should have build something, and i will do that,

but i actually have no guitar that just works at this point. :D

I'm a kahler flyer retro fit victim... B)

Well... you may have not gotten a monstrous amount out of it,

but look at it that way:

Musicians are socials people, others will play it and may want one aswell.

Especially if it's hanging between between some more desirable mainstream guitars.

Everything you put out there is great promotion. B)

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Lets be frank Musician's tend to be poor. I like professional people who used to play in bands. They like nice guitars and like to pay for them, they also have enough money to buy them.

If you get into building guitars for money you might as well play the lottery as well. I build guitars because I can't buy what I like. I have always built guitars because I love them and because the big companies never do it right. There is always a knob in the wrong place or the input jack is wrong, too much radius, small frets...

When the customer picked it up he said "I love this guitar it is an RG, PRS, shredder, Les Paul." and I told him that is why we are building your Rhoads V.

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I really can relate to that, when ever you need something more specific, you can't get around that if you don't have much money.

All i was saying is:

Good work deserves good money, and more/better payed projects means more time for the hobby.

I also got the feeling you where quite unsatisfied with what you got out of it, so i wanted to cheer you up at least a bit. :D

I didn't wanted to suggest something.

Personally i doubt anyone here got into that to make loads of cash, and i doubt anyone ever will,

there is a lot of stiff competition regional and international,

i for example have 6 - 8 luthiers in the city and the direct neighbor-cities, and even thomann only 1 hour drive away,

so far i didn't go mad.

Well, sorry if it sounded wrong and i insulted you, nothing was further from my mind.

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Seriously... No Worries, I am ok. Thanks for the input and the thoughts. I never felt it was mine so I am ok....

I see you are relatively new to the forum so welcome! Thanks for taking the time to read my posts.

The phone call I just got was worth every minute I put into that guitar.

The new owner just called and said he spent the last 10 hours playing it. He also broke out his fender amp and told me he hasn't played through it since his band broke up. He played it through his Boogie and loved it....

He also promised to play Believer, Diary of a Madman, and Revelation Mother Earth when he picks up the Rhoads V. I am stoked because he does Randy so well...

Man I tell you when a musician calls you and tells you personally that he loves your guitar and you know what he owns... It is why I do this.

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Cool stuff mate.

It's like that with every craft, i remember when people started buying my prints,

that's pretty motivating as it is, but especially when they got back to me telling how much they like looking at it.

Yes i know, most of my pictures i post here are snapshots, but that's what they are supposed to be,

i also take better ones :D

Yes i know, it's a bit different with guitars, but i have not build one so far, so i took that for comparison.

But nice that you are actually able to sell your stuff, i'm getting really attached to my parlor at the moment,

i never would sell it, but the i've also bought it with the intend to repair it for myself.

I wonder if i can actually sell something i worked on for weeks or maybe even months.

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