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Bridge Confusion!

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well, I know that TOM have the bass side angled at 4 degrees from 90 degrees of the centre line, but normal fixed bridges can be straight, but I have seen them angled

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Some bridges like "tune-o-matic" style bridges should be installed with an angle when its tail-piece is installed 90 degrees to the neck's center line. Like on Les Pauls. But this is just because of these kind of bridges have limited adjustment range on their saddles. With angling the bridge, you will get bigger adjustment range on saddles for the right intonation. Intonation should be done with adjusting each saddle while tuning the strings. Normally, the bass strings should be slightly further back than the trebles. It can't be done while mounting the bridge. So the idea is to leave maximum adjustment range for intonation after you install the strings.

Most of the other bridges and tremolos have enough adjustment range on each saddles, so no angling required. And tremolo bridges should be mounted 90 degrees to the center line for the right "tremolo action".

Here's an example drilling diagram for my tune-o-matic bridge and tail-piece. But it may be different on other bridges.


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Regardless, in order to intonate it properly you will end up moving the bass string saddles back. If you install it straight across you might find you don't have enough play in your saddles. It happened to me and I had to plug the post hole and redrill. I would angle it at least 1/8" .

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Some bridges like "tune-o-matic" style bridges should be installed with an angle when its tail-piece is installed 90 degrees to the neck's center line. Like on Les Pauls. But this is just because of these kind of bridges have limited adjustment range on their saddles. With angling the bridge, you will get bigger adjustment range on saddles for the right intonation. Intonation should be done with adjusting each saddle while tuning the strings. Normally, the bass strings should be slightly further back than the trebles. It can't be done while mounting the bridge. So the idea is to leave maximum adjustment range for intonation after you install the strings.

Most of the other bridges and tremolos have enough adjustment range on each saddles, so no angling required. And tremolo bridges should be mounted 90 degrees to the center line for the right "tremolo action".

Here's an example drilling diagram for my tune-o-matic bridge and tail-piece. But it may be different on other bridges.


which bolt is the scale length?

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yes.. the top right bolt can be placed on where the scale lenght starts..(or ends) this will give you the enough adjustment possibility for intonation.... but DRILL AFTER YOU PLACE THE NECK ON THE CORRECT POSITION and make sure your bridge's center point matches the center line of the neck. Otherwise you may get your E strings falling off the fingerboard.

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so i've got this fixed strat type bridge, how far away has it got to be form the 12th fret? (my neck is 21 frets if that helps!) :D

if it's a 25.5" scale neck then the High e saddle is going to be 12.25" away from the center of the fret, so bolt your neck in and measure from the 12th fret 12.25 and mark that point on the body (i usualy do this along the center line, then use a square to make a couple lines to setup my bridge along....)

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