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Demonx - Rhoads V Neckthru 6

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Thanks Prostheta - The store was a challenge for me as I'd never done anything like that. Was kind of like improvise and adapt.

Thanks Anthony - Appreciate that. I'm not confident at all with the airbrush so to hear someone say that my "I winged it" paint job is the best camo they've seen makes me feel good. Thankyou. I even surprised myself when it turned out like what I had imagined!

Thanks Maiden69 - originally I planned to have complete coverage front and rear camo, but I decided that'd be way overkill and went with this, however most front only gfx stop at the bevel (easier to airbrush), mine goes over the bevel to the side but the bust kind of hides that.

Thanks Westhemann - thats exactly how I planned it! I wanted a guitar that Old School '80s Max Cavelera would want to play - but with my personal edge to it.

The build was meant to be for me as my personal guitar but I've already had a local guitarist from a regular gigging band say he wants to buy it just from seeing the pics and having played the "groges" guitar I built. He's the lead guitarist in the band that the Groges plays rythem in, so that's a massive compliment and I'd be a fool not to give up the guitar and have another one on stage reguarly.

Spelling Bee Mod - Thanks to you too for getting my back! Cheers!

So much so, that if i ever get another bike, I'm tracking you down for an urban camo paint job. I can't wait to see this beast finished man.

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So much so, that if i ever get another bike, I'm tracking you down for an urban camo paint job. I can't wait to see this beast finished man.

Check out the "Groges" guitar on my facebook page. It's the first camo I ever sprayed - similar to this but different colors.


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Played this thing today - it's sexier in person than the pics...

I just cannot get a pic of the logo with my iphone, it cannot capture the white logo over the grey paint.

It is clear as in person but the pics it looks like it blends in.







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Thanks Maiden69...

I'm pretty happy with it. Need to pull it apart again though cause I forgot to ground the bridge before screwing it down, but that's only a minor thing. I got stuck yesterday playing it for ages, didnt want to put it down to go to work!

Man, you're great at finishing. It's inspiring.

It's all photoshopped! The real guitar is fluero pink... hmmm, or not!

I'm getting better with the finishing but still have a LOT of improving to do.

Especially in the "not rubbing/buffing through corners" area!


"remembering to lay down a foam mat before working on painted guitar" area!

Want. And gotm? Lol

Thanks, it could be yours for the total sum of "Go to hell its mine!!!" I'm keeping this baby. Bout time I had a new guitar. Thanks for the compliment.

What does "gotm" mean ? I tried googling it and come back with nothing

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it is a mis type..I think he means "Got M",as in "got milk"

Little known fact about the correlation between milk and guitars...the guitar was invented to lull cows to sleep in the distant past...it was believed that playing classical guitar to the cows as they dozed off would produce sweeter milk..it also prevented cow tipping,because the rednecks of the day(like now) hated classical guitar...

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Someone on my facebook page suggested a vid so I just asked my other half who held the iphone so you can see it in action.

Completely unrehearsed and sounds like ****....

No comments on the sound please!!! - This is a spur of the moment vid, unplanned. It's a shitty old metal zone plugged into a Marshall and filmed on a mobile phone, so please hold the critisism, it's not a Warner Bros movie.

Also, i prob should have tuned the guitar before playing which became very apparent once i turned then damn metal zone off.

Somehow when the video was compressed the video and audio sync got screwed up... I'm sure you'll manage

Edited by demonx
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Also, i prob should have tuned the guitar before playing which became very apparent once i turned then damn metal zone off.

I was gonna give you a hard time about metal guys and playing in tune and whatnot, but then I watched the video, and realized I'm in no position to criticize your playing. :D

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I was gonna give you a hard time about metal guys and playing in tune and whatnot, but then I watched the video, and realized I'm in no position to criticize your playing. :D

That playing was super hack job - I'm kinda embarrased by it but it was an on the spur of the moment video as someone on facebook made a comment so I did a quickie video to upload asap - it was when I was not in a mood to play, you know what its like when you dont feel like playing so everything you do just doesnt work and sounds like ****? This was one of those moments! Probably why I didnt even test the tuning when I picked it up!

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