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Here's Another One, No Finish Tho...


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Here's another victim of Castle Drak Inc.

It has a Maple centerstrip, Basswood wings, and Flamed Myrtle drop-top.

I put the top on it about 2 months ago. No finish yet, but you can see the flame is awesome, even bone dry. The reflection in the flame as you bend and twist the body in the light is really nice. Drop-top went like cake with just a cup of water, a paintbrush, a piece of walnut, and some clamps. Done in about 20 minutes.






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Snorks, calm down. :D

I have over 18 (maybe more) unfinished projects here, I ain't sweatin' it long as I got a few to play. B)

Hey Snorkle, check this one out, I tossed this one in the trash this summer, I finally decided I didn't like the body shape. HAHAHAHA!

Boy it felt good to smash that muthu UP! :D

'another one bites the dust, bada boom, boom, boom, ...bada boom boom boom boom boom'... :D



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Sorry Snork, I don't sell 'em.

Never wanted to, probably never will. B)

PS, this free pic hoster is the SHIZNIT!

I've been downright constipated with pics, I gotta relieve myself!!!!

Big Shout again to Smokey Joe Customs for the hoster!


Tons more to come until I finally relieve myself of this stuff! (flush) :D

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That guitar was gettin' on my nerves fo' sho.

It was completely chambered too!


It was the first guitar I tried a Carriburst finish on last summer. Think I have pics of it somewhere, I'll post it if I find it. Yechhh! Nasty first Carri! B)

It had been thru about 5 different finishes over the years, I finally just decided I didn't like that body shape, it's something I came up with a few years ago, and I was never really sold on it, and finally jettisoned it once I decided I, in fact, did NOT like that body shape! :D

Lots more to come, just shaking the tree loose and seeing what falls out...

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