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Bass Build For A Buddy

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So, my friend moved to Florida before I got a chance to start on a build for him. Now is as good a time as any, I suppose.

I'll be using his 5 string Korean made Spector as inspiration, trimmed down a bit to save weight, and fit the wood blank.

- Solid 1 piece bubinga body

- 3 piece maple/bubinga/maple neck (volute)

- 35" scale

- Cocobolo fretboard

- EMG/EMG, 18v

- Khaler 7450 Bridge

Now, to come up with a way to trim down the weight of the body.

Thoughts, suggestions, opinions?




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That shape shouts for a completely round profile like a Warwick Thumb. It will look clubby and awkward else. Beautiful wood choice! Slicing off about 10mm of the top and hollowing the bottom before glueing back up sounds like a good option. Cutting losses will likely make the re-glue obvious so going with this and accenting the line with veneer would add interest.

I did this with a build which I messed up years back (the neck was too rubbery). The body was routed hollow within the planned outer radius:




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Scott has it nailed here. you may need to chamber it a bit. But talk to your buddy about what he considers a heavy guitar thats playable & one thats more like a power lifting session.

Personaly I like 11-12 lb gitirs. but then a mate who is about half my size again (& is a weigh lifting 6 foot 18 stone tank) does not like anything over 6-7 lbs.

If your buddy can handle 9-10 lb guitars then you may only need to contour the hell out of it. Radical contouring like this can be very effective in weight reduction http://www.aeolianguitars.com/photo16540171.html

Talk to the intended owner before you do anything else I rekon.

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  • 1 month later...

After talking to my buddy some it's clear he doesn't have any strong opinions whatsoever. I mentioned my concern on the weight, and he replied he would start going to the gym more. Rough cut at 1 3/4" thick the body weighed 8lbs. I've since shaved it down to 1.6". Pickups and control cavity will remove some weight.

I'm thinking a 20" radius on top, 1/2" roundover on the edges, and maybe some sculpting on back. Sound good?

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  • 6 months later...

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