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More Questions About Maple Necks...

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So, i finally bought that hard maple. Now, this is my first time using maple for necks. I have worked with purpleheart, mahogany, spanish cedar, apamate, lignum vitae...just not maple.

I have this quartersawn piece, that has the grain straight but it curves gradually to a side.

The other piece has a more straight grain, but it's rift sawn...

which one would be better?

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Well,it's more about lines of stress.It's tough to explain,but rift sawn timber has a tendency to cup towards where the center of the tree used to be...or is it away from?

No matter...because of that tendency to move,it has a reputation of moving in unflattering ways for a neck.The reputation is only slightly deserved IMO,but with riftsawn I make laminate necks with the grain opposing when looked at from the end.

Still,I have seen plenty of necks made from riftsawn wood.

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Yep, if you can use flatsawn or even better quartesawn wood, then great, but when you've bought a plank of hard maple at a great price, that happens to be fairly straight, seems to be a waste not to use just because it's rift sawn...

There are several guitars i would like to make, some for me and some for sale, obviously that the ones for sale will have the best pieces of wood, and was wondering what the problem was with rift sawn maple as i have found little information about it.

But i didn't think PRS would use it :)

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What everybody else said. I would add that if the grain isn't perfectly straight in some way then maybe carry out build processes slower than normal, taking time between each one for any movement to do its thing. Also, pay a little more attention to grain direction when routing as those few degrees can make one side a dream to work and the other more of a "surprise".

Personally they both look fine to me. You're not using anything that would not be regarded as satisfactory by many respected manufacturers. Laminating is excellent insurance though. No real point in staying one-piece unless you have a reason to do so.

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