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I give up. It's up for sale


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Doh!!! I wish you would have said something before you listed it - and if you did I apologize for missing it!! I'm starting a "wall hanger" collection of old guitars that I can find cheap.

If you want to sell it outright and pull your listing let me know (PM me) and maybe we can work something out. Otherwise I'll pu it on my favorites and bid away!!!!

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yes he is...

oh, and if i am not mistaken, that is a Teisco Del rey! Exactly what steve has been looking for! (bluesprescence if you don't know) The color of the neck is the first dead give away. Next the colors of the sunburst, and the look to the sunburst. Exactly the same as my del rey. Exactly. Steve, I'd jump on this.

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Paradox In general, a paradox consists of two contrary propositions with

apparently compelling arguments for each, or an unacceptable proposition for

which there appears to be a compelling argument. Perhaps the oldest paradox is

the paradox of the Liar, consisting of the following sentence:

This statement is false.

Is the exhibited sentence true, or false? If true, it must be false, since it

says it's false. If false, on the other hand, it must be true, since that's was

it says it is. It appears that the sentence must be either true or false, but

either assumption leads to contradiction.

Just having a peek at the signature there.

Actually, it's not a paradox if you write the statement in a wave state equation. The statement is neither true nor false, but has the posibility of being true or false.

Psi(statement) = ( Psi(true) + Psi(false) )/2

I'll go away now. :D

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Ebay waited until 2 hours left and cancelled auction. Said Gretsch emailed them and cried copyright infringements. If anyone seen the ad, I stated many times, I'm not claiming it to be a Gretsch.

I have a really quick question.

Doesnt Gretsch have anything better to do than worry about a small guy from PA, and a 81$ auction on ebay. The Gretsch company doesnt even sell on ebay.

I may not be able to say Gretsch in the item title bar or description but I can Say Kiss my Grets Ass in my next listing. I will keep you posted, as to when that auction lists.

Hum, maybe, just maybe, I'll create a logo for the listing. Something along the lines of the lil guy pissing on the Chevy or Ford Logo. But with GRETS of course. They are over priced Pieces of garbage anyway. unless they are made by the Wizards on this forum,


Note: Keeping it clean for the youngin's

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well the act of observing the paradox will collapse the wave function and cause it to exist one of the states, so i would say that.... it is EITHER true or false.

john. B)

Schrolingers cat all over again B)

I'm with Jehle (I think) :D:DB):DB):D

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Ebay waited until 2 hours left and cancelled auction. Said Gretsch emailed them and cried copyright infringements. If anyone seen the ad, I stated many times, I'm not claiming it to be a Gretsch.

So Ebay jumped on your ad , but they couldn't straighten out the guy stealin' from Jehle, et al? Sounds like they need some motivation! icon_twisted.gif

I have a really quick question.

Doesnt Gretsch have anything better to do than worry about a small guy from PA, and a 81$ auction on ebay. The Gretsch company doesnt even sell on ebay.

Gretsch, for all intents and purposes, no longer exists, like Sunn, Jackson, and Guild - you have angered the Evil Trademark Empire of Fender! Look upon it, and be afraid!

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