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One of my band's songs that we recorded


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Hey guys I thought I would post one of my bands songs. I'll post the rest up another time, since were going to re-record most of them. Well hope you enjoy!


(The song is Is This A Dispatch Song)

I'm on bass btw. And I'm the oldest one(so were all in our very early teens) and I'm also the least expierenced.

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Yeah I was using my computer speakers and for some reason the bass was all the way up, but were gonna re-record today and I'll make sure to sneak in some bass :D

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^ lol to the the rig thing, but it was my fault about the bass. luckily we will re-record and my hand happened to slip.

But way to young to listen to the Allman Bros. You insult me. I was even going to go the Derek Trucks concert if it wasn't on Thanksgiving weekend. Me and my friends have been listening to classic rock since forever, and in the last 2 years I have been getting into blues, jazz, funk, and almost anything but rap and polka.

Also BTW The Who tickets are on sale for Massachusetts folks. If you see those kids up close shouting in John Entwistles memory, that'll be me my friend and my dad(I don't know if he will be shouting lol) :D

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Pretty groovy stuff. Bang-on with the Southern Rock comparison. :D

Going to look for a vocalist at all, or are you content to play instrumentally?


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Were looking for a vocalist, but remember were young and have not yet have access to all the kids in the city but next year we will.

(talking about schools if you couldn't tell)

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It's tough to find a vocalist at that age. Lotsa girls would try out, I bet. If nothing else, you might be able to meet a few of them. <chuckle>


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But way to young to listen to the Allman Bros. You insult me. I was even going to go the Derek Trucks concert if it wasn't on Thanksgiving weekend. Me and my friends have been listening to classic rock since forever, and in the last 2 years I have been getting into blues, jazz, funk, and almost anything but rap and polka.

No insult intended, I was actually quite surprised and impressed at the familiarity. I think it's great that younger people are keeping that sound alive. Most of the new stuff I hear is much heavier (not that that is a bad thing since I listen to metal 90% of the time these days) but I always liked the old bluesy southern rock stuff like the Allmann Bros, Marshall Tucker, Skynyrd, etc.......

If you want to learn a great bluesy bass line try "The Ballad of Curtis Lowe" from Lynyrd Skynyrd. PM me if you need the music or the TAB, I have both.

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Nice effort.. The beginning sounds alot like I'm Your Captain by Grand Funk Railroad. The funky part sounds like Red Hot Chili Peppers meets No Doubt. Sounds good to me. The only thing I noticed it like has been said, the bass is too low. Also, sounds like your overloading the input when you recorded your guitar, I can hear digital distortion in it. I realize you recorded it really in a demo fashion, but I think you did a good job. There was some timing issues also, where the guitar was out of sync with the drummer, but that can be corrected. Keep up the good work...

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^ Finnally someone noticed. That's the reason why were rerecording(for timing issues). Im disapointed by the bass not being up, because on the main verse, it sounds really cool. I'll try maybe to edit it on my computer because I don't feel like doing it all over again right now.

Thanks for all the input.

And Bluespresence it was just a joke :D but if you wanna email me the song and tab go right ahead!

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