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Everything posted by killemall8

  1. Thanks. The recent one came out nice, but it could still be better. Maybe if they were full thickness tops. But just being veneer, i am sure most people wouldnt be nearly as interested in buying veneer. Scott, the super strat is bubinga and the V is spalted leopardwood.
  2. The more i look at this guitar and play it, the less impressed with it I am. All the flaws start to stand out more and more. Here are a couple bodies i put together this week. I am trying to sell them just as blanks to make up for a ton of the material costs.
  3. Dang, that thing just keeps looking nicer and nicer. You sir, should be given an award.
  4. This is actually pretty common and there is nothing wrong with doing it.
  5. Great work mister Sullivan. I really like the red back on that one. Its also great to see the amount of success and reach you have achieved.
  6. Cast resin is probably your best bet. That is what its designed for.
  7. How thick of a veneer are you using? Actual veneer is only 1/42" thick. That wouldnt add any noticeable thickness at all.
  8. Thanks guys. Scott, i wish i could say that when they shrink, it is only noticeable to me. But is definitely pretty obvious. Here are some assembled pics.
  9. Absolutely unreal. I now resign my guitar building abilities before you.
  10. I just make a template. I use a forstner bit on the ends, so it will be perfectly round, then just use a straight edge to make the sides. Then use that to rout it.
  11. Yup, left a slight film. I let it dry for about 24 hours. It is 100% impossible for it not to shrink back with this weather. AT least that is what i think the problem is. Every finish, every dry time, everything. it all leads to the same result on every wood i use.
  12. Looks like a well done refinish. Personally i think it looks incredibly cheap and boring with plain maple. But as long as you like it.
  13. Thanks man. Your stuff looks amazing for how little resources and tools you have. Its already shrinking back. The centerline of the book match is already showing throw, less than a day later.
  14. Plain, but nice and clean. I would suggest in the future, putting the truss rod much lower down. It shouldnt be that far up in the headstock.
  15. Well, here is the repaired product. Again, i have absolutely zero belief that it will stay this gloss and level, because it never does.
  16. If you plan on building again, you should really look into either making templates, or buying them. And for future reference, dont use regular oak dowels for plugging. They are cut in the wrong orientation.
  17. I dont think that was the case in this situation. I Literally barley sanded a couple swipes and sanded through. I think my spraygun was spraying differently than what i wanted to. I dont actually have an air brush. I think i will just re burst the outside again and hope the black doenst look different in certain parts. I have re done bursts where the exact same black looks different for some reason. This will be an awesome guitar if i get teh finish correct.
  18. So, as usual, problems. I intentionally sprayed the outside of the burst with 2 extra coats of clear, to prevent sanding through to the black. What happens? I sand for about 3 swipes with 800,and i am through the clear AND the burst in 3 places. Lovely. Now even if i re spray those areas it will never match.
  19. That is what i have tried to do the past few years. Granted, your rep is massive compared to mine. But it has practically pushed me to bankruptcy from a business point. I agree it is much more enjoyable though. I wish i could still make money doing it that way.
  20. Thanks guys! For once, am happy with the way the finish is coming out. Here are some pics of it outside. I will wait a few days and then wetsand and buff.
  21. Dang, i couldnt ever do that. Saw that some guy is selling on of your flamed maple neck through guitars already. What was up with that?
  22. Wow, i cant believe that is a tru oil finish! Amazing job.
  23. That is literally the ONLY thing i could think of as well. I have a feeling this is probably the only real option. Thanks for the reply.
  24. So i want to make a few bodies to sell that fit pre made necks, like jackson/ esp, knock offs. The only thing i cant think of how to do is how to drill the holes in the neck pocket that match an existing neck's screw holes. Any ideas?
  25. Sprayed the final clear coats about an hour ago. I also added a black burst. THIS is how i invisioned this guitar and other guitars with this veneer to come out. Auto clear is so much better for this because it is crystal clear.
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