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DC Ross

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Everything posted by DC Ross

  1. I'd have to go with the zebra. The cream just washes everything out - nothing 'pops'
  2. I've used it for dying RC car wheels, but not for staining wood (I'm assuming that's what you're going to be doing with it)
  3. The Agile guitars from Korea have almost a cult following. I picked up a new 2300(?) a couple of years ago for less than $300, and while it's not PRS quality, it is an extremely good guitar. Bone nut (it comes with a graphite one as well), 2 piece mahogany body, quilted maple veneer top, fully bound body, neck & headstock, decent hardware (Grover tuners, dunno about the bridge & tail, but they look good, feel good & operate well). If I'm being 100% honest, I'd say the overall quality is on-par with or slightly less than current LPs (depending on the specific LP you're comparing).
  4. I'd be really surprised if you found something between 30 and 45... This is the closest I could find.
  5. Was it One of these? I don't do carved tops, but for belly & forearm contours, I use a combination of rasps, spokeshaves & that high speed sander.
  6. Do a search for "crosscut sled" - they're pretty handy
  7. Batfink's right, CYA* is a rule to live by here. I learned my lesson; for my business, I get everything in writing and save every email correspondence. More than once, a client has signed off on a spec & later complained that something wasn't implemented, or implemented incorrectly. Things can get very sticky if you don't have any proof on your side. *Cover Your A$$
  8. All glory to the Hypnotoad Check out Hypnotoad's 1/2 hour show on the new Bender's Big Score DVD Personally, I prefer some variance of the grain to something perfectly symmetrical -- it gives it a bit of personality.
  9. Sweet, we must be on the same wavelength... I'm in the process of designing a 25.5 - 28" scale baritone (quite literally, I'm just taking a break & checking out the forum). That's some really red wenge, much moreso than I've seen before, but it looks really nice. Looking forward to seeing your progress!
  10. Not my style, but good on you for following it through to the end!
  11. My current build will have an 80's Kahler (that I pilfered from my old Kramer V ) and Sperzels as well.
  12. You most definitely can I recently set up a BEAD bass. All it needed after installing the heavier gauge strings was a minor truss rod adjustment. As for widening the string slots in the nut, that depends on your nut. The string tension is fine, not extremely floppy & not extremely tight. This is on a Tobias Killer B.
  13. Really nice work! The redwood looks very classy & the ebony PU covers should really set it off. Could you expound on the bridge a bit?
  14. Thanks for the replies, guys. I used some kiln-dried Maple that I've had for a couple of years. It's flat sawn & I thought it had stabilized enough when I started. I have a couple other guitars (> 20 years old) that also have flat-sawn Maple necks that haven't had any issues, so I figured "why not?" I built this particular neck last September, so I think it's settled as much as it's going to. At any rate, I'll definitely take the advice & pull the frets then see where we're at. Hopefully I'll be able to give the fretboard a good leveling & all will be peachy
  15. I built a neck & attached the fretboard after making certain everything was flat & true. I then shaped the neck & fretted (again, after verifying everything was good to go). I came back to it today after a couple of weeks, and went to level the frets when I noticed that the neck has twisted a bit & there are a couple of humps in it around the 5th & 12th frets, so it's kind of wavy. It's not like it's a pretzel, but it is noticable and I don't think leveling will be enough to take care of it. Are there any other options than pulling the frets, re-leveling the board, then refretting? thx, -dc
  16. Looks nice! I'm a bit unclear as to the purpose of the notch at the bottom of the neck. Maybe you explained it & I just missed it? -dcr
  17. I never liked the pipettes myself. I've always used these. Well, not exactly these, but something very similar. You can find them at almost any hobby shop.
  18. Sweet, here's the site: http://www.nwmusicalinstrumentshow.org/ My band (Custom) is playing across the river at the 15th St. Pub in Vancouver, WA on Saturday night & I'll be staying down there instead of trekking back up to Seattle. I'm going to try to make it to the show early afternoon on Sunday. Thanks for the heads-up, Rich! -d
  19. Rich, thanks for the heads-up on that show. By pure chance, my band is playing at the 15th St. Pub in Vancouver on Saturday the 19th, so I'll be down that way. I'm definitely going to have to check it out.
  20. I love my flat sole spokeshave, but for the life of me, I can't get the hang of the curved sole spokeshave.
  21. Sorry to hijack the thread, but Rich & Marty, what show is this?
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