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Scott Rosenberger

Blues Tribute Group
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Everything posted by Scott Rosenberger

  1. Thanks Guys! If you didn't notice I spent the whole weekend away from the computer, but I'm back now
  2. Great Trems!!!! I have the Flat plate version on a strat and couldn't be happier with it. I also have a Hardtail 7 bridge. Very high quality. As far as palm muting goes the coutoured trem is very similar in feel to a PRS Trem except for the 6 screw design of the PRS
  3. Buddy Guy is worth almost any price to see. His shows are amazing!!! as for KWS, check his website http://kennywayneshepherd.net/
  4. You can redrill for the studs. I believe it's a 25/32" drill bit. Use a drill press and make sure the bit is centered in the original hole.
  5. blow up the photo until the distance from the nut to the pickup side of the bridge on the high E string is 25" That's the scale length for a McCarty. Strat Scale is 25 1/2"
  6. Give these folks a call. I've dealt with them before and their prices cant be beat IMO. And their premium quilt veneer is to die for you have to find out about international shipping though. or have them send it to me and I'll forward it if you need me to Woodwell
  7. Could be Orange Peel, How hot was it when you painted?
  8. SHARP TOOLS!!!! And Birdseye doen't warp easily (As long as it's Dried Properly) If your Planer has multiple feed speeds send it through on the slow setting and the eyes won't tear out as long as the knives are sharp
  9. I play alot of different stuff from Blues to Metal. All my guitars are setup a little strangely. I like my Bass strings high and the Treble strings low. Mainly because when I'm chuggin' out a nice chunky rhythm I don't like hearing the low E hitting the 22nd fret
  10. Please dont post the same question in multiple places Thanks
  11. IMO Strat trems aren't very usefull. Are you wanting to replace it for better tone? Or for a trem thats more usefull?
  12. I think it's actually what it sounds like. A sharpened Spoon
  13. Save the Flamed Maple for Fingerboards. You could Bind the body in Flame but a Center Lam would look out of place to me
  14. Close, the rounded end of the Strat neck pushes the neck too far back in a Tele neck pocket. The Square Tele neck Doesn't touch the bottom of the Strat pocket but also doesn't affect intonation. Whether it's good for tone is open for debate
  15. FYI, Tele Necks will work on a Strat but Strat Necks don't work on Teles. The shape of the neck pocket is different
  16. There's one on there today. Purple with Trem. Email him again to make sure he puts it on hold
  17. Warmoth sells individual tuners. Try guitarelectronics.com for the 7 string Duncans
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