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Everything posted by Gorecki

  1. Any sound reduction ear plug will do that is based on decibel reduction. Try to avoid those poly based (squeeze it and it expands in your ear) plugs that are intended to be a sound blocker not a reducer. Most are relatively inexpensive.
  2. It's good your taking things objectively. As recording tools freebee's. ProTools Free http://www.digidesign.com/ptfree Tracktion by Mackie I don't remember the URL but if you search these forums for 'tracktion' you'll find it. In either case are good free multitrack audio tools that should give you more control over what you're doing. In any case, remember there is always a learning curve to using these tools so be patient with yourself. The Skynard Freebird comment to clarifiy was that the chord progression you're playing IS the jam section of Skynard's Freebird, if you have it available, give it a listen, you'll see what I mean. That sort of thing has happened to me many times over the years, even a couple of years after I've done something I realize it's very similar to something else. But the reverse has happened as well...where something NEW on the radio sounds like one of my tunes I'd done years before. have fun
  3. I'll attempt to be gentle. 1. It sounds like wanking over the jam section of Skynard's Freebird. 2. What was it recorded in? There's a lot of noise that could easily be removed, intro hums, string movement..etc. 3. There is no mix, it was almost painful to listen to. Rhythm guitar is way too loud, drums too soft. From the sounds of it, it's likely you don't have the greatest of tools in the world to work with but there was a lot that could have been done to improve it before publishing it to the world. I'm not trying to discourage you, just being honest without being brutal. Keep at it...
  4. Well ya lost me there Maiden. What you just said basically is studies is just as good as doing, and I know you know that's not true. If that were true, Litch would be a great guitar builder! I know of two people on a personal level and have heard of otheres that it's becoming more common people 'self medicating' depression issues with the stuff because the side effects of the perscription drugs caused as much or more harm than good. I find it kinda funny that it's legal in many locations as perscription pain medication for cancer patients and the like. If I had cancer and was in pain, GIVE ME MORPHINE!
  5. Actually this is pretty old news now. Happened, some time last summer I believe.
  6. No kidding! Even using the two in the same sentence is silly. Most of these bands are old enough to be Nirvana's grand parents.
  7. I'm gonna bow out of this one and go watch my copy of 'Reefer Madness'.
  8. I tend to believe some people have more aptitude then others. But yes, I believe if all had parallel ambitions that the only difference in acquired outcome would be time. I’ve told students for years ‘Talent’ is a result, not a given attribute.
  9. Keep in mind everything was made illegal during prohibition but only alcohol was legalized out of all things (including this topic). When it comes down to it, IMO it’s all about money. Not what’s best for you or is good or bad for you…it’s money. Government couldn’t find a way to tax and confine the production and/or import of this and other ‘things’ and therefore they remained illegal. Once upon a time ‘Coke’ and ‘PEPsi’ and ‘7-UP’ were not named because they contained Caffeine, they contained Cocaine. The sad thing of it all is that alcoholism is a huge problem world wide. The US is 13th in the world for alcohol consumption. I simply don’t understand how anyone could derive that alcohol is more politically correct, but it is. It’s more PC to be a functional alcoholic than to suffer from sleep deprivation and allergies?!?
  10. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=10507
  11. Sounds like fun, I have Live Delta (OEM version) and haven't touched it yet. I use Cubase for most things but I should spend some time with it, heard good things. Have fun..that's what it's all about.
  12. I've done it that way as well, though I don't have a V these days.
  13. Redrum - I've found it useful as well for 'effect' type segways. Reason's pretty cool even for rockers.
  14. That is a foolish statement and is a punishable offense! BREAK OUT THE WET NOODLE! You've really gotta step away from the rock/pop culture to make such a determination. Reproduction of memorized material doesn't not make someone a good player and even less of a musician. A good player / musician can hold there own in any area in any key without previous familiarity of the material. That's where music theory comes into play. Wayne Newton is a great example of someone who has come to play guitar fairly well but couldn't improvise to save his life.
  15. Sure man....if you say so. My theory knowledge is pretty limited. Actually, it's extremely limited. ← Well, now you know what to call it. Nice color chord to use as a 5 in a jazz 2,5,1.
  16. Dave, just for your information nothing more. I don't believe anyone these days makes a drum machine/module that isn't digital samples of real drums though I maybe mistaken (wouldn't suprise me if Casio is still selling cheesy stuff).
  17. I've had three Alesis units over the years and still have two of them. Been good for rock/metal work.
  18. BUMP! Hey Drak, what's the status on these babies? Been waiting for you to stop playing with your new toys long enough!
  19. I concur, I'm just finishing up my new DAW and did plenty of advance planning and still ran into unexpecteds...IE The front intake fan on the rack case I got is LOUD! Need to replace it and add an additional exhaust fan on the rear. Otherwise, the system rocks hard!
  20. Could use one more vote selection: Never Heard Them! I've heard 'of' them but never heard them so couldn't provide an answer.
  21. Under the impression many people do prefer AMD but I'd guess not the majority. Many people prefer AMD over Intel simply cause it's cheaper and are somehow Anti-Intel for what ever reasons like many are Anti-Microsoft for what ever reasons. Like I said before, no matter what you do it's a gamble unless you know an exact combination of 'things' works well. And like I said the most common vendor things are tested for is Intel. Your best bet is to do all the homework you possibly can on what tools you want to use and find how what they are/are not compatible with and make your own conclusions.
  22. I've interacted with people who have Edirol equipment and are happy with it, but I have no experience with it. I use an M-Audio firewire currently and have been happy with it, only downside of it is the RCA unbalanced in/outs. Many people also like the MOTU 828mkII. I'm actually waiting for the rest of my new DAW to come in the mail. If you'd like I can PM you the equipment list I got.
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