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Everything posted by mullmuzzler

  1. My Edge trem arm holder "has become comfortably numb". What can I do to fasten it so it doesn't warble anymore? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  2. CorelDRAW works for me (2D). mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  3. The body is 45 mm thick. There isn't regular body carve involved, rather a crossover between Gibson SG and a EBMM JPM model on a RG body (I'll post pictures as soon as I find a host that can enable my pictures to be seen in the post (any suggestions for the hosting site?)). BTW, what is TOM? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  4. How do you calculate the angle for the tenon for the set neck contruction? Does it have to be an angle at all? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  5. Any link for a pic? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  6. Man, I did that and the message about some error about "dynamic pages" sh*it appeared and I couldn't post my pics. What do I do? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  7. So, how much for the Gotoh gadget + shipping to EU, Brian? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  8. As far as the angle of the headstock goes, I think that it is around 13 degrees. mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  9. You can use the cutaway area and make a veener for the headstock, man. That really looks nice. Congrats on the purchase. mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  10. How thick is it? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  11. Have you guys seen Mark Knopfler's Pensa Suhr guitar? I think that it is the thinnest back-routed Floyd-type guitar that I've seen. I have some pictures but I can't seem to post them in topic so they can work. mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  12. How about a template in Corel or CAD? The hadstock is very important (shape). mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  13. "Passion & Warfare" Universe had monkey grip, but as far as the lion's claw goes.... mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  14. Is it going to be old-style joint or an AANJ? Fretboard: maple or other (rosewood, ebony...)? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  15. Who the f*** is Mr. Kench? I didn't visit the forum too often last couple of months. BTW, what's the story about that eBay affair? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  16. After this, goes that scene from the "Pulp Fiction" where Brad answers correctly about the Samuel L. Jackson's 'Royale with cheese' question. Happy New Year to all of you!!!! mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  17. Hey, JFC, man, what tools did u use for the chamfers? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  18. What's that written stuff on the back of the headstock, man? What does it say? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  19. What's that written stuff on the back of the headstock, man? What does it say? mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  20. Your guitar looks really nice, man. How thick is that maple top (maybe I overlooked the topic...)? mullmuzzler | OSSMT P.S. Where is that topic about bursting context or whatever? The one with pics of that infamous carribburst?
  21. Dimebag Darrell of Pantera uses Bill Lawrence and Seymour Duncan Invader bridge pickups in his Washburns (mahogany body & neck). DiMarzio X2N has, like Invader of Seymour Duncan, output off the charts!!!!! mullmuzzler | OSSMT
  22. Right on, MikeB! I couldn't said it better! mullmuzzler | OSSMT
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