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Everything posted by marksound

  1. Add a couple hundred and get a Jem7VWH. You get a (sorta-) pointy guitar, and she gets a pretty white vine-inlaid thing to look at. "She wanted to get a cat. I didn't want to get a cat. So we compromised and got a cat."
  2. Vai has his stuffed with Kleenex and covered with gaffer tape. Gotta love them high tech solutions.
  3. Holy crap. Douse that thing with some good whiskey, set it afire, and give it a decent funeral. Next time practice on scrap.
  4. good call like im only a first timer but rhoads take the challenge man maybe not this guys designs fill the australian music stores with hot guitars sorry if none of that made sense It might have made more sense if there were more actual words. And spelling. And punctuation. Then again, maybe not.
  5. I think you should give your ears time to get used to the higher fidelity of the new cabinet before you start trying to fix things. You may just be hearing the entire spectrum of sound rather than just the harsh highs you're used to.
  6. She sings her ass off, and she's got guitar chops too.
  7. Who needs an evil looking guitar? If you're badass enough you could play a Squier Hello Kitty Strat and no one would think twice.
  8. Looks like you have some time. EDIT: Did you know that Carvin is resurrecting the Ultra V? I'd bet it's 10 times the quality of the Kramer. Ok, 100.
  9. Here's an idea that may be completely wrong. Replace the tubes in both amps with "softer" ones. That Fender HR comes with medium hardness "white" GT6L6s (Fender also sells color coded EL84s). Change to a lower hardness set you'll get into breakup sooner. We used to mike everything no matter where we played. No more. It's a PITA and just not necessary in most places. BTW, Robben Ford played through 2 Supers (1 black/1 silver) the other night and it was way not too loud in the small club.
  10. Yeah, my drummer is 60. Nuff said.
  11. You could add one of these to the cover.
  12. That sounds like a great business move. Good luck.
  13. Watch ebay. The Chinese copies should be turning up soon.
  14. $100k isn't "loaded" even in OK. It's fairly common. For an idea of what executives really make, Google "CEO salaries" and do some reading. Now, back to the show.
  15. I modified a pickguard for a project I'm working on. Cut it on the bandsaw, then used a small sanding drum in my drill to smooth the edges. I don't know if I'll do it that way again, but it worked ok for what I wanted to do.
  16. I know this thing has been nitpicked to death and I don't want to start all that up again, but just one thing (or two). If you're doing "beauty shots" why not replace the broken string? And for Pete's sake why not trim the string ends?
  17. I'm a little confused. Why do you think the headstock will snap under string tension? I've seen any number of broken necks from being stepped on, run over by a bus, shipping accidents, etc., but I've never seen one break from having strings tuned to pitch. If your scarf is joined correctly it should hold with no problem, and there are thousands of guitars built without volutes every year that hold up just fine. Maybe I'm just not getting it, but I don't see the problem.
  18. A Rotozip isn't necessarily hard to control, but I think it's a little huge for doing fine work. Seriously, I'd get a Dremel for that.
  19. How about a bass boat flake like this with white pearl stuff?
  20. Here's one. Ok, it's not exactly cool--in fact, it's kinda cheesy. And it's not exactly a "luthier" site, but more like a repair shop site. But he does good work, and he's like 2 blocks away from me right now. Warner's Guitar Shop
  21. Kick drum? No lie, this guy's kick drum was so loud it would reset your heart's normal sinus rhythm.
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