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Everything posted by haggardguy

  1. Say something like "most people forget guitars are like fine wine, which mens they need to be aged, luckily this one is one of my rare 1999 stock which is just becoming available now. Aged in barrels for exactly 6 years 10 months 5 days and 27 seconds this guitar is not ready to be played. I have just completed a special setup which took another month and a half, adjusting till absoultely perfect. So bid now!!! buy it now set cheap at $4000" lmao :D
  2. My favourite mistake was chocolate chip cookies
  3. I too like the inlays although this seems like something one of those people who is obsessed with the nightmare before christmas would buy
  4. What do you mean expose the maple?
  5. Oops my bad, I saw you drew the lines and I don't doubt you I was just confused because I just looked at it quick as i left for work and i forgot that the tele was sitting on a bit of an angle. It looks real purdy, makes me want some red meat...
  6. If its buzzing its probably not the intonation,you have to either raise the saddles,the entire bridge,or have a fretjob or adjust the truss. The last 2 I wouldn't suggest you do yourself at your current skill level.
  7. Is the steer head a little bit crooked or is it just the picture?
  8. lmao, i did the same thing,i started reading and realised i had nothing to go with it
  9. Awesome, when I saw this earlier I wasn't sure how much I'd like it but now that I see it,i t looks fantastic with the exception of the headstock but its all good.
  10. Its LGMs shop, Matts just there for a couple of weeks to help out and learn some stuff.There was a thread about it in the announcements section.
  11. Sounds cool, and I jsut got a job so i may have to partake.
  12. Sweet,are you playing some britney spears on your nice purple guitar:P Just jokin with ya man, hurry it up, I wanna see it:(
  13. Lookin nice, that picture of the pot looks like a hand with a mitten on it reaching out of the water.
  14. I just finished reading todays paper and I'm ashamed I haven't been following this more. I realised that the damage was terrible and extensive but after reading almost an entire paper dedicated to the hell that is currently The southern US I feel a strange sickly sensation. These people are getting shipped from one place to another with no supervision. No one is being fed, no one has water, the cops are threatening everyone they see trying to protect property when they can't even save the people who are drowning,trapped in their attics, being raped in the arena they were transferred too. At the saddledome a little girl watched her father die, he put her down and jumped off a ledge to his death. Familys who had so little now have absolutely nothing and its sickening. I see pictures of people armed with semi automatic rifles and tons of bullets but no food or water or compassion. I agree the looting needs to be taken care of but since when have buildings and possessions been more important than human life. As for preparing for this.. I could say something but what happened happened and what needs to be done isnt so for now we need to get this sorted out and then work on future preparedness.
  15. Darn, I was gonna post that picture, I have it because I thought it was an awesome finish, can't wait to see it drak.
  16. Just mic whatever amp you have provided it soudns decent and put it through the pa. Unless you eventually want to be judas priest and have walls of marshalls behind you in which case i say go for it.
  17. Sorry didn't realize you had a 2 conductor..good luck.
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