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Everything posted by duo2

  1. Most music stores carry around 10-15 watt practice amps for both bass and guitar. They are not expensive at all, especially if you get a used one.
  2. Don't ask me why but for some reason I have always liked maple fretboards on my p-basses and nothing else. Everyone of my other guitars and basses has either a rosewood, ebony, or pau ferro fretboard. It will make a difference in how the instrument plays mainly because of the finish on the board.
  3. I usually don't like the more heavy metal type guitars but im really digging this one. That finish is killer.
  4. Please keep us posted on you pedals HeavnerGuitarWorks. I am very interested.
  5. I find it hilarious that after he finishes talking about the pickups on the X-11 he feels the need to lift the guitar up and spin it around in the air. Also the thing he does at the end of each clip where he kind of thrust the guitar at the camera is classic. Very reminscient of spinal tap.
  6. I have always hated multi-effects pedals. That is until last december when I got the best gift ever. My dad got me a Digitech GNX4. By far the best thing I have ever used. The closest thing you can possibly get to the sound of stand alone pedals and so many extra features I will never learn how to use them all. This thing actually made a squier sound good. That if nothing else made me a believer. So I guess you could call me a GNX4 junkie.
  7. Like I said in my previous post if you want to rip into that plywood by all means do. If you love the figure that much then deffinitley go for it. If you can do it successfully it will leave you with a much greater sense of accomplishment in the end rather then if you were to buy a peice of equally figured veneer. If you do decide to go through with it keep us posted on the progress and please post pics if possible.
  8. I love that J-bass. Keep us posted. And I wouldn't complain if Paris was my woman either.
  9. Depending on what kind of wood you are routing that router should be fine for a while. You may want to consider getting a 2 HP router if you can afford it. It will last a lot longer. But if you can't then I say go for it.
  10. I think all of the above suggestions are great and you may wish to go with one of those but if this were my project I would just buy a nice peice of veneer. Their not all that expensive. And I know that you may want to use it just because you have it and you have the option too but in my opinion the time it would take to get the peices you want out of that plywood is not worth it. In the end I think you will get a better result if you just bite the bullet and buy a well figured peice of veneer.
  11. That is great work, very clean. Im in the process of making my first from scratch guitar. It will be an explorer. I changed the body slightly for my own comfort and I will be installing a strat style tremelo. It will be a bolt on with no neck angle and I might change the headstock to jackson style. Any comments on this are welcome.
  12. something that might actually make this worth doing is if you were to angle the pencil so its not vertical. that way you can get a different note out of each rubberband.
  13. Yes it will do the same thing as a regular nut except you can lock the strings into place. It should be fine but it might look a little strange, but on the bright side you'll always be in tune.
  14. I'd say it's unusable as a neck. If you've got a lathe make a bunch of guitar knobs.
  15. Well im glad I could humor you guys haha. And yes I am very new at building guitars from scratch. I have been repairing and modifying them for as long as I have been playing and now I'm expanding on my abilities. Thanks for the quick answers, they are greatly appreciated.
  16. Thanks a lot. I figured I would need a neck angle. Do you think three degrees would cut it? And I'm thinking of cutting the headstock at ten degrees. Any comments are welcome.
  17. I've heard of people using a drill press as a fret arbor. My question is, is there a switch on the drill press that you can activate to stop the bit from spinning to create the ability to fret a neck?
  18. I have an old dean neck that is beat and busted all to hell and my current project needs a fretboard. The fretboard is the only part of the neck that is still in good condition. The problem is that the dean neck is designed for a locking nut and I want a standard nut on my new guitar. Instead of like on a standard neck where the fretboard ends and then the nut is placed behind it, this fretboard has a small shim that the locking nut bolts onto. My question is would the fretboard work normally if I cut off this shim or should I just use the locking nut on my current project and just leave the strings unlocked? Im not using a trem. So far I have decided on using an LP junior wraparound bridge from stewmac. Also if anyone knows, do you think i will need a neck angle with this bridge? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  19. So do you guys think a 1.5 horsepower router would be too weak?
  20. I have always gone over to a friends house to use his band saw but I'm starting to build my own tool collection and I was wondering if you guys think a 9" band saw will work to cut out bodies and necks with. I know a larger band saw would be better but will the smaller one cut it? I found a really good cheap one at a local hardware store. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  21. duo2


    I don't understand what your saying. Primus is awsome. Some of the best bass playing ever.
  22. for one why do u still have the bridge and strings on there? Are u just leaving them on to keep tension on the neck? I would go the heat route after removing all hardware and i would protect the neck somehow.
  23. I have a fender 57 P-bass that I've recently started to play a lot more. Everything on it is original and I havn't adjusted anything except for the truss rod since I got it from the previous owner. I'm having a problem with excess noise while I'm playing. When I'm playing the vibration from what I'm playing causes the other strings to ring out. Not really loud enough to be a serious problem but it really annoys me. If I lower the pickups back into the body farther will this help to reduce excess noise? If so will it hurt my tone? A couple of the pole peices are staggered and it's usually the A string that rings out if either of those make a difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  24. That bass is awsome. Reminds me of some of the Carl Thompson bass's.
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