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Everything posted by ScottR

  1. I seriously doubt if it will cause any problem. Body wood and top wood are typically oriented the same direction so that any movement has a better chance of being equal between species. If you've had this for 15+ years, it's probably pretty stable. SR
  2. Huh. What I can see looks pretty white...... We have a white cedar over here that is very white and straight grained and light and carves very well. As long as it works good and sounds good, who cares. SR
  3. Yeah.....I do feel a bit guilty about all the pics. The set before this was never intended to be the final set....and Muzz called me on the control cavity cover. It's not done till you get a cover on it, says he. Everyone always moar pics! So I put up moar pics. What the hell, it was a fun build and I'm happy with it. I got me a nice guitar and sharing is at least half the fun. The rest of you....thanks for the kind words. Paulie, thanks for your encouragement all thoughout my last couple of builds. Let me know when you need someone to polish your frets. I'm ready to quit my day job and move to Dublin. SR
  4. RAD (RestorationAD) will. Get him to make you a PAF wound to vintage specs and you'll be in heaven when you hear it. So the body is going to be made from a hunk of hardwood flooring running sideways......fascinating. I'm looking forward to seeing how that turns out, and how it sounds. It has the potential for looking quite sweet. SR Edit....I missed a line. It's a table rather than flooring.....still looking forward to it. SSR
  5. Your hardware choices look excellent with this top. The abalone tops of the knobs are throwing me a bit, but I do think they will tie in nicely with your fret markers. Beauty! Personally, I've always seen two owls and a fox. You've got a pair of owls at the waist--one per side-- and then picturing each of them as one eye and the bookmatched grain below the bridge as the snout of the fox.......er, except it is more proportioned like the muzzle of a wolf. And the horns are ears. SR
  6. The flooring industry has a nasty habit of renaming woods as they see fit. I assume they are trying to make various woods sound more exotic and attractive to buy. SR
  7. That's a great piece of Claro Walnut crotch. You're going to love it. I had a build last year out of a similar piece..... SR
  8. Thanks DX. My buddy Hook (Skullsessions) has been making similar noises for a couple of months now....only in satin. I'll keep that thought for future builds. I see I forgot to comment on the shot that shows the claw marks. That's pretty much the only way they can be seen now: looking straight down at them from up close. SR
  9. Use double sided tape to attach a scrap of the proper thickness to your headstock. Sand it flush to the unrouted part and then reset your bit to finish the route. SR
  10. Love the shape and contours on that alphs Paulie. what kind of cedar are you using for the body of that Omega custom? SR
  11. I thought it looked pretty classy in the case. This is Cody. He is Cooper's best friend. He's glad it's finally done. Now I need to pick 4 out of that lot to best represent this in GOTM. Anybody want to offer up opinions and advice for that? SR
  12. Here are a few edge on shots to give an idea of the contours and thickness changes. SR
  13. This new forum upgrade sure makes overindulgence easy. SR
  14. (one....er two of my prized possessions) SR
  15. So.........last weekend I considered this build done and took a boatload of pics hoping to get a few worth posting as a closing.....complete......holy crap it's finally done post. Unforeseen circumstances called me out of town, so i didn't get them edited and posted........till now. And like a woman, I had a hard time choosing what to keep and what to delete. I got rid of about half of them, and probably should have gotten rid of half of what was left.......but screw it--click through quickly if it's boring. SR
  16. I think I want to be you when I grow up. SR
  17. ......sounds like your current job...... SR
  18. Other shots make them look more equal..... Wes try tracing your body and on that tracing bring the outside edge of the treble horn in a little and taper it towards the tip a little -- just slightly more pointed. It is shorter than the bass side so it needs to be porportionally narrower too to look balanced to your eye. SR
  19. Is it the bass side bevel that's bugging you? SR
  20. So these should have a fat or warm sound? (If thin is a bad term, is fat likewise a bod term?) I'm gonna have to find me some audio samples of those. SR
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