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Everything posted by Jdogg

  1. Padauk and Wenge are my 2 favorite neck woods.... Limba is one of my all time favorite body woods (although I prefer the black stuff).... Multiscale... cool balls... uh ooh..... **WARNING** **WARNING**.... JEALOUSY REACHING CRITICAL MASS!!!!! WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!?!?!
  2. That looks excellent for a first attempt. I've only done a few inlays but I can absolutely tell you that you skills improve by leaps and bounds on #1 -> #2 and #2 -> #3. If it were me I would redo the inlay, not because your first is bad, but because your 2nd is likely to be leaps and bounds better.
  3. That neck looks epic! Can you get some close up shots of the Wenge / sapelle. I've been considering that combo in a 5 pc neck for my next build...
  4. I rather like your single cut design. the triangular cavity cover in particular is quite cool...
  5. ah crap. totally my bad. wasn't paying attention on the veneer....
  6. Ah, thank you for the info. I like how you already have your controls recessed to the proper height before the carve... this is obviously something you do regularly and you have your process down pat...
  7. How thick is that top? and how was it carved? reason I ask, I find the brown area's tend to tear out badly when carving Wenge, so I'm curious how you got around that...
  8. WOWZERS that fretboard blank on the bottom is EPIC! that's the kind of fretboard where you design an entire guitar around it. I think your right.... it might be a bit much for this build. personally I would put that on a very plain looking guitar as the single piece of "flash".... but YMMV regarding the scarf... how thick is your maple? I like to have about 7/8" thickness on the headstock piece. perhaps thin it down as shown and add a thicker headstock veneer to bring the thickness back up? or you could laminate the headstock area to bring up the thickness... see my gremlin build for what I mean...
  9. Thanks for the kind words guy's. My brother and I are actually working on mini amps for all of the kiddies. kinda a combination of the old smokey amps + a tone control + a nice little preamp. hoping to free wire it and then encase it in acrylic resin so you can see the guts.... not 100% sure if it'll work out but gonna get started on the prototype as soon as parts come in.....
  10. And here we are.... managed to finish her up JUST in time for the gremlin's birthday in about 2 weeks. Still needs the intonation set and the pickup heights tweeked but other than that she's as ready as she's ever going to be.... I'm not 100% happy with the water based poly / finish but not much I can do about it at this point in time. either way, should be one hell of a happy gremlin.... cuz shit yeah... it's Spider-Man....
  11. HAD A BABY!!!! It's a boy! Keegan Ash Deagle! 8 lb 10 oz. So far moma bear and cub are doing awesome! still has his days / nights mixed up... but getting there... In other news, I was able to get the frets in and start prepping for the back carve... hoping to get a little time to work on that today... almost ready for finish... then I have to find a place to hid the thing for a few weeks till X's birthday. also found a local place to buy 1 amp slo-blo fuses. my AX-84 high gain Frankenstein amp is blowing the fuse as soon as it's plugged in... the only things connected before the standby switch is flipped is the power cable / fuse / standby switch. you'd expect to find a short in there... but the multi meter reads none... so I basically have to start de-soldering items until I find the culprit... hopefully it's jus the switch and I can order a new one easily.
  12. I recognize this build... Epic awesome sauce! should be a real looker! I'm a 100% sucker for limba....
  13. I'm not a big V fan... but that is classy as hell.....
  14. Alrighty gentlemen. Had some progress happen this weekend. I've been avoiding gluing the fretboard on for quite a while... had some issues on my last build and it didn't go 100% to plan so overcompensated this time around... wound up with a 10000% straight neck tho... so I think i'll do it this way again.... Also finished the round over on the back side of the body + the binding channel on the front side... the arm contour was a complete hooker to do. I don't have one of them fancy jig's that follows the contour so I wound up marking the channel with a pencil and routing the channel in steps (you can see via the burning) then I cleaned it up with a chisel... my old school tool skills... are... well... severely lacking... so im rather proud of myself on this one.... sadly, I may run out of time on this build... gremlin #2 is due any day now... that's likely to put a severe hamper on my progress... as long as I fnish before may (his b-day) i'll be aiet... but figured I couldn't leave you all in the dark about my super secret finish..... took our little guy out to a fabric store here in town and let him pick out some fabric.... glued down with super 77 and filled with weldbond and leveled (Im trying desperately to avoid epoxy due to the fumes). all that's left is to clearcoat over with some waterbased polyurethane that I bought.... should look absolutely SICK once completed..... and it's spiderman,... so the little guy's gonna lose his nuggets....
  15. This seems like an incredibly badass project. very cleanly done so far as well. cant wait to see more.
  16. I've got the porter cable and honestly cant recommend it. it's worked well for me and fits my router lift table but the height adjustment on the base can be a bit difficult and the spindle lock for changing bits sucks more ass than an industrial ass sucking machine. the pin on mine is broken and now I have to use 2 wrenches to change bits (which works fine) but is a pain in the ass.
  17. Knightro, The game plan is, if I build him the coolest Spiderman guitar ever made.... he'll stop wanting to play with my other guitars all the time.... hopefully.... Got some MADD progress this weekend... Drilled for the jack, routed for the pickups, did the bevels, couple other misc items.... even ran around Saturday and bought all the little things I was missing like magnets for the cavity covers and finishing stuff.... and maybe some stuff for my super secret top finish.... MWAHAHAHAHAHAH speaking of the super secret top... still testing on scrap.... but things are looking promising... hopefully I can reveal the secret soon..... Jeeves!! to the photo's!
  18. The black and gold looks ridiculously classy. well done sir.
  19. Alright, It's been tough getting time in the garage lately but I do indeed love when a plan starts to come together..... Got the headstock inlay sorted... needs a little bit of fill... but very tight compared to some of my previous attempts... I've tried about 1000 different techniques of doing inlay and it appears that this is one of those things where experience and skill simply cannot be overlooked no matter what tools you use... then I got the neck pocket routed to depth.... it's actually overly tight... need to take some material off the sides of the neck I think... but it's workable for now... couldn't help but squeeze the neck in there for a mock up... booya!!!! The neck is still a little too thick but that wont take long to fix... I finally gave up on the 2 bridges I ordered from china... they're simply not coming.... I got a refund for both through ebay and ordered a hipshot from a USA supplier... that hit the budget like a mack truck let me tell you... but im familiar with the dimensions and quality so im not super upset....
  20. Please do tell why. I was hoping to use single saddles on my next multiscale build....
  21. I used to work at a hydraulics / pneumatics shop. we used to get units like that in for repair fairly regular under the "GAST" brand name. What I think you've got is an old commercial setup for spraying ceiling stipple. It's going to be a rotary vane compressor with no tank (or in this case a tiny tank? or perhaps that's for the stipple juice to go in?). that style of compressor is high flow / lower pressure so be aware it may not be able to power a gun that requires high pressure. The compressors we sold, some were oiless and some were not, so you'll wanna check that... I don't see an oil reservoir so that's a good sign... Either way, a good filter / regulator combo would be ideal.
  22. Not gonna lie, that Rhythm King is one of my all time favorite inlay's I've ever seen done. very classy.
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