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Everything posted by komodo

  1. @JayGunn I've used West Systems for all kinds of stuff, and wonder if there's a way to tell when it goes bad? Is it usually the resin or hardener or both? I supposed I can always just dose out some and try a test piece if it hasn't been used in awhile to see what happens.
  2. komodo

    Some toys

    Supernatural is the Digitech Hardwire Supernatural. Not sure how their Hardwire series is different or why the name addition. Prostheta- I threw together a strat from a crappy body, an old Charvel strat neck, a set of custom built overwound pups, and some custom wiring - and it;'s now the axe I always reach for. There's just something about it, and the single coils are really amazing in tone.
  3. komodo

    Some toys

    Great question. I bought it because of similar feelings. I've probably not spent enough time with it, but I can say this - if you are in a band, then it would probably be incredible because it does a whole bunch of things to your sound in subtle ways. You can overdo it and it and then sounds processed.. If you are recording, there are probably lots of ways to get the same thing, and common recording techniques say to record dryer and add effects later. It does a zero through flange fairly well, but the Mr. Black Tunnelworm, or Catalinbread ZeroPoint seem to do it better. I haven't tried those though. I'm basically playing by myself, and have realized I'm looking for effects with far weirder and more experimental sounds. So, EHX Pitch Fork pitch shifter, volume pedal, insane reverbs . . .I see a Belle Epoch Deluxe in my near future.
  4. komodo

    Some toys

    When I first saw it at our universities surplus, I didn't know what it was. I saw the case, the bakelight knob, the gemlike faceted light and the speaker grill. My heart throbbed, I read the backplate that it was a film editor amplifier and all I thought was "there's tubes in there". $20 and I'm out the door. Later, digging into it, reading about them, and then hearing it . . . it's mine forever. MINE! MINE! MINE! bwahahahaha There's a small 4" speaker in there, but it rattles the case like crazy. There's a headphones jack that you can run out to a cabinet (12" Weber Blue Dog in my case) and then it's "holy crap?!" It reminds me a lot of P90's in amp form. Here's a good tour of it. The real fun starts around 2:10
  5. komodo

    Some toys

    Necropost - I just saw this and LOL'd. This is NOT the first time I've been called a cork sniffer. Probably daily. "You are SUCH a snob!" "No, I'm discerning. There's a difference." FWIW - the TubeScreamer is gone, some person valued it WAY higher than I ever would. Though for the short time I had it, I A/B'd against some other drives and it did have a certain something something. The Drybell is also gone. It's just not something I play with everyday and was a lot of $$. In their place is a Digitech Supernatural and a EHX Pitchfork which I am loving to death. Tubey thing is a Magnasync Moviola URS film editing amplifier. 5-watt 6AQ5 beast. The circuit is a lot like a Fender Champ and is just one seriously pissed off little thing.
  6. I played a guitar with an aggressive radiused shape back in the late 80s at a guitar shop. Wish I could remember what it was, as I've been obsessed with it ever since. It was an absolute marvel to play sitting or standing. I've since built a bass with a similar body, I used a flap sander to do most of the hogging. You've convinced me again to apply the idea to my next build regardless of all other variables, including semi-hollow. Jerzy Drozd has some interesting chambered build that I could see curved. Theres also the Ibanez Artfield which was designed similarly.
  7. I leave for a couple days and look what you do. Beautiful build Scott. I'm not sure which I like better, the glossy or the sanded matte finish!
  8. I believe you are correct that he got the original Burns winding tools and that it is an air coil. If I knew they were going to suspend sales, I wouldv'e bought a couple sets, plus some of the Fenton Weil pickups.
  9. It is my understanding that the way Burns makes them and the way Adeson makes them is different. Adeson makes them the original way with all the original materials, whereas the Burns are basically modern single coils.
  10. Don't know. I had contacted him about two years ago to inquire about pricing and options but then held off. Not too long after their website was mostly taken down. All of the options and pricing and ordering info is gone. When I contacted him late last year he said they couldn't keep up and had suspended ordering for 5 weeks. but, that was a long time ago and it was never brought back. I know he was helping Burns with the design of the thinner Strat sized versions and probably other stuff as well. I'd pretty much given up until I serendipitously ran across what I have now.
  11. This replica builder had trouble getting Adesons (like I did) and contacted Greg Fryer to get some made. Fryer said no but he would sell a bunch of parts left over from the John, George, Paul builds. This was after the Red Specials 1998 restoration by Fryer. This set was built from those parts. How close do you have to get to be related? BM may have fondled these parts . . .they are built identically . . . there's mojo here. I can feel their hearts beating.
  12. ermagerd. I saw the plan in the first page of this thread and thought it was a bass. It was on my phone while I was eating my lunch, so cut me some slack. P90s would be awesome, just a little noisy maybe. They can be mounted pretty shallow, and in a nice small pocket direct to the wood. Another killer option would be a Fenton Weill humbucker called Lucifer. The website (adeson fenton weill) is shut to new orders, which is where I was trying to get those Adeson Trisonics, so it might be unobtanium. The pickup is a very rectangular beast that sounds sort of like Tony Iommi. Though an A5 hot PAF ~9k would be apropos. As would the Pearly Gates from Seymour Duncan.
  13. So, this is a bass or a 6-string guitar? If it was not a bass I would stick two P90s in it. I've got some custom ones right mow just begging for something.
  14. Absolutely spectacular. This will be better than any old Gibson.
  15. Coulda just used a flap sander and no math.
  16. You know you are doing something right, when other people can look at it and hear it before it's finished and strung up. It sounds awesome.
  17. Mallet is a great idea. Regarding the flap sander,Prostheta is correct (and wear a mask!) But, it's actually very controlable, and still slow for hogging off tons. It really only gets hairy up in the horns.
  18. I found this in my Dragon build thread: "Also, while I feel I have a handle in the blacks, browns and ambers with my testing. I never really got the yellow/gold center wash of a sunburst. Even a tiger eye amber burst has some yellow in the center. My straight thin mix was very bright yellow, vibrant but wrong. Today I added a TINY pinch of amber and POW! I've labelled the jar "magic yellow". I started wiping it on every test sample I had." So, I think I had a jar of yellow mixed very thin thinking I would get a yellowy glow in the center for a mild sunburst. The yellow is extremely vibrant, and even mixed thin it was just too much and didn't blend. (BTW - these are with alcohol based powder analine dyes.) What I did was add a TINY pinch of amber to the yellow and this warmed it to a golden yellow. When rubbed on, it warmed up everything. Plus since it has more alcohol in it, it also works to thin out the base coats where you rub harder, and add in the golden color. I think that was really the magic part. It also made everything I rubbed it on look better. The worst part of it was trying to wash it off my face with steel wool and Brillo pads after rubbing it on to see if it made me look better.
  19. Superdug! I had to go back to square one and read the whole thread. This is quickly becoming my mantra - try an angle grinder and a flap sander disc for doing carves. It's the bomb.
  20. First of all welcome and great job so far, Second, everything ScottR said. Third, a right angle grinder and flap sander makes a wonderful carving tool, esp. for wood like this. Fourth, while ScottR is right, good to use inexpensive woods for learning - you are also right in that there are better woods for working, and with the labor involved you may want something more like mahogany or ash. That said, ScottR is also right again in that pine can sound amazing. I've made prototype bodies out of glued up 2x4s, just to get a feel for the shape and carve of a body, When I hacked out a neck pocket and string it up, it had an very chimy, bell-like tone that was pretty stunning.
  21. Some movement . . . . I'm getting to the point where I may put the 8-string Cthulhu in hibernation (again) and pick up steam on this one. The main reason is that I've got my motorcycle valve springs for the tremolo, and most importantly I have FINALLY secured a set of Trisonics. These aren't just any Trisonics, certainly not the of the shelf current Burns models or even the Brian May signatures. These are similar to the Adesons. but use original parts leftover from the Greg Fryer builds and are being built exactly to the Red Specials specs. To say I'm excited is an understatement, as I've been trying to source these for more than two years.
  22. Sorry I've been offline and just saw this. But, you seem to have nailed it. I believe that I did do a black layer, but it was after I had done the base ambers? I'd have to go back and read my own posts. LOL I do know, that while it was great, everything exploded when I hit it with my magic yellow.
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