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Everything posted by rob

  1. tsl or dsl, and whats the wattage?
  2. the body shape looks abit like one of those carvin alan holdsworth guitars. If its from japan and about 20 years old, it might have been made by the Matsumoku company. I'd keep hold of that, Jap guitars are great IMO.
  3. ahhh that is beautiful! I love basses with black bodies and B/W/B plates...if only it had a rose wood board...
  4. my sharona! my band play that! but only for fun, its pretty damn good! I can just hear it now, that G octave bass line..."bum bad da bum ba"
  5. in the top pic it looks like its got no frets! ..lol
  6. love it. looks like a classic you got your self there!
  7. I like to (try) and dable in just about every thing on that list, but jazz is somthing I can only have ago at on bass, but my teacher has done some jazz stuff with me. All good
  8. My left hand is called bertha! I guess when I have given my guitars names, it would be like my faveortie westone (its a thunder II), I called it west, and my trace elliot bass amp, tracy...
  9. NIce, somthing i havent ever seen
  10. I'll be a subject! I'm on the Isle of wight(UK) and I would be putting it in a westone thunder IIA. I have daily band practises so I could give it a full work out! look foward to it man
  11. he's gonna put compensation cuts in it, it looks great
  12. thats immense! but the strings look close to the edge?
  13. they are cool as...or should that be hot as hehe...anyway...the only gripe is that they dont make em for twang buckers!
  14. I serched for bogen and it just came up with PA and pro audio, can you show us a link?
  15. how much would you charge for these ansil? They sounds very interesting
  16. ahh! les paul jr. now that would rock way better than both, I reckon!
  17. that sounds sweet man, have you thought about making your own plans? you could find plans of a normal lespaul (can get them on UK ebay for about £10) then modifying them for your own design. This is good if you don't want an exact copy, but somthing that looks very close to the orginal, and is still your own.
  18. I've read that SG stands for solid guitar. SGs are abit lighter, so that might help you choose on which one you would prefer But one of my friends complains that his SG doesn't balance too great, but I've played it and its not that bad, just some thing to consider
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