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Strange Fruit

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Everything posted by Strange Fruit

  1. The headstock kinda looks like something you get on a Daisy Rock guitar. Im also not a fan of that fret board shape. I just think about it like if its not broken, dont fix it. and if you used a real tight strap, you could play it sitting down.
  2. sorry but your wrong on that one, what you do to get drop d (EBGDAD) is tune the 6th string to the 5th string holding the 7th fret on the 6th string, sorry, but he is right, sorta. if you do this, then hit a 12th fret (octave) harmonic, and tune to that. They will be the same note. and there is drop d. You can then do the whole harmonic-harmonic tuning, and hey presto, your tuned down a half step! but yes, your method works too! Matt
  3. I like it, but its a shame that the pick ups and bridge are gonna be slap bang in the middle of it. What if you just stained the inside of it darker than the rest, and just left the recess? Matt
  4. Or maybe rout out the holes in the web into something like a maple cap, then glue it on to a mahogany body.
  5. Wow, that Jem really kicks bottom. Its only early august, and we have these two already. gonna be a good month...
  6. Dont worry, i found a pic on the uk site, bit small, but it sure looks nice:
  7. Hi guys. hope this is the right section for this. Anyway, i was wondering if any of you guys had any pics of the Ibanez AEL40S electro acoustic, specifically the fingerboard. It has a really nice refined vine on it. I normally cant stand the vine, but this one i really like. i have checked the Ibanez US site, and ill look at the uk one in a minute. Maybe an Ibanez-aholic out there has pics. Anyone? Cheers Matt
  8. Locking grovers, graphite nut, or wilkinson roller nut would be better, probably a schaller roller TOM and i think Schaller make roller string trees as well. That would probably make it a resonable trem.
  9. Here you go http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2828 thats the contents of the download area so far. Wow, the UK presence really seems to be building here now! Cool! Matt
  10. Yeah, and kinda unshieled and kinda noisy too. I think this project has a lot of potential, and cant wait to see how it finishes up!
  11. ok, just those seynours look temting. thanks anyway!!
  12. are you selling the buckers alone as well? I might be intrested in a few, prices?> and will you ship to the uk? Cheers Matt
  13. welcome adrian i believe frets.com are more acoustic orientated, probably a good few tutorials over there!
  14. i personally like wilkinson trems. gotoh locking tuners + Graphite nut + wilkinson = magnificent tuning stability. but wilkinson dont make them now, so you would have to use a Gotoh one instead. Just as good imo.
  15. cool, is that the guy from ten men wide? he can seriously shread! Its quite nice a guitar, not sure bout the lsr's though, i personally think they look trashy. nice though!
  16. Ebony maybe. Woah, can you imagine a ebony bass It would be insanely heavy, in both ways. And damned expensive.
  17. let me be the first to say congratulations jeff! Of course, a carrieburst baby would rock... Congrats!
  18. Cool, wheres about in london, its a pretty big place! north? south? Why not jump on a train to redhill, then get a connection to reigate, go to Touchstone and see their necks. They really are nice. And they sell preslotted ebony boards aswell. im going in a couple of weeks! Matt
  19. I said three piece, one join is by the lower horn, the other is by the dark figuring on the upper "Horn"
  20. wow, 1900 Man, seriously, this may seem like it could be fun,but i really urge you to get this repaired professionally. When i was given a tour around Merton college, where they do a gutiar building course (I got accepted! WOO!), they said that it would be about 6 months before they even started to tell us how to fix holes, and then they were perfectly square, and they had the bit that came out of the hole. Im worried that you may be going in far far to way in over your head. I would never try to discourage you, and im sure that if you put your head to it, and practiced on many more hole repairs first, MANY more, then i wouldnt touch a guitar that is one hundred years old, its a piece of history, i would seriously look into having it repaired professionally. Anyway, if you choose to do this yourself, i believe you are going to need all the help you can get. Good luck. Edit: Sorry, it seems like im being mean, and saying that your skills arent upto this. Im sorry if this seems offencive, but its just what i feel. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do. Matt
  21. my thoughts exactly. Surely having it pinned is a waste of resources when there is progress, then update it as everyone else does. Is Jimmy even around anymore?
  22. Looking at that page is just amazingly inspiring. I want one
  23. Wow, i've seen brazilian shanty towns that look better constructed and planned then that. But obviouslly, it must work. but that doesnt mean i have to like it (thankfully)
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