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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. Good enough endorsement for me. I can now tell MrsAndyjr that 'I don't want a Shinto rasp, it's simply because I have no option...I have to have one. Look...it says so here.' if you hear a knock on the door and there is a very angry woman outside, I suggest you pick up any valuables and run. Scary lady. Scares the c**p out of me!
  2. Looks a nice colour @Norris How did you find the Shinto to use? It's on my 'maybe' list...
  3. Black here too (although it's going to look pretty special whatever). Difficult to judge ref how much flattening to go for. If the original surface was pretty smooth and grain free, then, in theory you should be safe flattening down to the lowest trough. However, as @Prostheta says, breakthrough on a stained or painted surface is a real problem so, if the wood grain was fairly evident before you started, you might well hit a peak of coloured wood before you get to the final trough of cured oil. But that probably hasn't helped at all ....
  4. This is getting to be a habit...but I agree again The challenge is making sure the strings don't bind on the overhang on the run from the nut slot to the nearest of the tuning posts. A wider nut (eg les Paul type rather than Fender strat) would help. Or...can't remember the dimensions...a Fender or similar roller nut??
  5. I fully agree with @Prosthetahere, Norris. one of the reasons I shy away from nitro is the number of things it is not compatible with...life's too short when you get to my age . It's a great finish though so I would personally just steer clear of anything that would give it an excuse to misbehave...and a fingerprint of wax somewhere is all the excuse it would need...
  6. I'll be really interested in the fibre optic tutorial. It's something I've wondered about trying for a while....
  7. Goodness! How those colours have popped out. This is going to be outstandingly good
  8. That wood wiped down looks sublime! Delicious....love it As for the thicknesser, I think I'm going to try to convince MrsAndyjr1515 that this is the smallest that you can buy, and what looks like a fully fitted workshop around it is simply the packaging they are supplied in.... Going to see if I can arrange to get one craned over the top of the house into the back garden....
  9. Thanks! I'm still negotiating with the European Court of Human Rights whether a video clip would constitute a crime against humanity. At the moment, a sound clip scrapes by on the basis that most people would just assume this is white noise and not what it actually is - the cruel and wanton dismemberment of chords and scales dastardly imposed onto an innocent musical instrument....
  10. It's looking good to me, wrong way round pickups or not
  11. Wow...I wouldn't have trusted my own abilities to use a bandsaw that accurately. Mind you, my cheapo bandsaw can produce a wavy angled cut in the best of hands. As a matter of interest, why did you choose the bandsaw option?
  12. Pleased you have sorted it . Initial electrics issues i have had over the years have usually been to do with an earth missing or a short somewhere.... it's a well trodden path
  13. I would be embarrassed to show you some of my improvised tools, @Norris . Yours look quite sophisticated in comparison...
  14. Certainly, when you read most forums in the 'can anyone help' sections, the majority of the posts seem to involve some problem or other with the nut, or recutting it followed by pages an pages of the thread then devoted to how to do it, what horrendously expensive files folk should buy, that the health of yourself, your family, the local community and mankind as a whole is at risk if you don't cut it right so take it to a trusted and experienced luthier or just bin the guitar and take up knitting. Anyway, must go.....got a woolly scarf to finish off....
  15. I was interested in the use of a go-bar deck for gluing the top, Scott. That will be quite difficult to repeat to glue on the back...My preference is to use violin-style spool clamps for this kind of job. i really am inspired by this build. It is going to look wonderful when it is finished. I just love the curves of the top and back. ...and referring to @psikoT 's comment, it would be an interesting result for me to build a mandolin sometime and you an acoustic
  16. I know what you mean about the headstock. To me, it's a bit ordinary though not objectionable, but the guy I'm building it for is quite traditional in his tastes so I think it will suit him. I chop and change with the zero frets - this is my 3rd build with one fitted. It is certainly easier and makes for a very simple and accurate set-up! I think where I can incorporate one easily, I will tend to go with one.
  17. Yes - that's where I got my acoustic neck templates,,,very good quality and super-fast delivery
  18. I've been umming and ah-ing about a proper mitre box for a while....I think this has convinced me that it is something I need. Not want, you understand....need
  19. Thanks, Scott. Having seen some of your builds, that's praise indeed. Much appreciated
  20. Hi if you swop the two connectors 'from the neck' and 'from the bridge', does the neck now not work and the bridge does work? If so, there's a short or dry connection or error or fault somewhere in the bridge side of the circuit. If the bridge pickup still makes no sound, then it might be something to do with the pickup or its connectors....
  21. That last photo is a bit superfluous, but can't seem to delete it....oh well...it is a pretty back after all
  22. OK - final shots. Electrics are in, new strings are on, still thinking of just one more flatten and coat of varnish on the top but I have between now and June to decide... Forgive the self-indulgence Well pleased.....
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