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Everything posted by Hotrock

  1. Good luck. Like I said, I'm really not an expert in this fied (or any field for that matter) so don't do anything on my say so
  2. Well it's not the norm, I know that much. I'm not very good at electronics but buzzing problems seem to be an earthing problem more often than not. One of the experts will help you out here, but while you're waiting, have the control cavity cover off and check that all the ends of wires are attached to something. Good luck, hope someone can be of more help soon
  3. Sounds like my girlfriend when I get home from work
  4. I'd use paper, it's alot easier.
  5. I wouldn't recommend MDF for anything external. Well not with the british weather, but thats something you don't really have to worry about. I'm not to sure about baltic birtch ply or whether normal marine ply would be fine. Either way as long as you protect it (especially the edges, cause thats where the water gets in and does the damage) should be fine. Built a shed out of normal marine ply (a mixture of 9mm and 18mm) and it's still standing and the water's not started to seep into the wood yet. It's been up about 8 years now and still looks good.
  6. Baltic birch is what you build speaker cabs out of too. Not really relevent to the thread but there you go. Most of you probably know this but if you're cutting the plywood with a jigsaw, put gaffer tape over the area that you are going to cut. Mark up the lines on this and then use the jigsaw. Jigsaws cut on the up stroke, and the tape stops the top ply from splintering and generally being messy. You can remove the tape working from the inside of the wood towards the edge and hopefully nothing should splinter off.
  7. You could go the second hand route. try www.axesrus.co.uk
  8. I'm using the glued together sawdust (mdf) for my templates, but that's because I'm only using them once. If I was going to be using it more than that I'd probably use Marine Ply. Be careful about mdf dust, It's nasty.
  9. Is this for the first fret only or do the rest shift up too?
  10. Yup I've got all them but I still think somehings missing. You missed base plates btw I'm going to be making 2 HB's in a Gibson style. I was going to do P90's but they're butt ugly. One will be coil tapped and the other will be parallel/series. Then I've got to rewind some old pups that I've got. 1HB and 2SC's. And then I got drunk and told my bro that I'd do a HB for his bass and rewind his cheap ones. Good job I've asked for a quote of 16km of wire
  11. CONGRATULATIONS I'll have a beer for you tonight. Having a baby is good, you get to start building litle tiny guitars and then have to build a bit bigger one every few years Hope you, baby and the missus all get home soon to settle in. Congrats again Kaj
  12. Don't some Gibsons have a zero fret near to the nut, I thought that's what it was for.
  13. Alright dudes, I'm intending to order all the bits to make my pups but in my list I'm sure that I've missed something out. I son't know if I have, but you know when you convince yourself of something It looks like I will have to order all the bits from Ampge, in fact I've posted this question over there but noone has replyed and it's been 3 days. Can someone list ALL the parts that I'm going to have to buy. I'll be ordering from the US and I live in te UK so I only want to have to place 1 order. Cheeers dudes.
  14. Never tried it, but if the holes are too big then you should be able to fill them with the correct size dowel and redrill the smaller holes. Especially if you're puting a vaneer over the top, this would cover the dowel and the body of the tuners would hopefully cover it at the back. Like I said, I've never done this on a guitar, but I have filled holes and redrilled tem when I've balls something up. Just be carefull that the glue has completely gone off and the drill bit doesn't wonder about
  15. Post some pics up so we can have a look. Well not me, I haven't got a clue but someone around here will
  16. I think you should send one to me for a long term test. About 30 years should be sufficient
  17. Borrow a jigsaw and learn how to use it on scrap wood. Personally I wouldn't use a router, especially if you're scared of saws. Routers are about 50 times more nasty than a jigsaw. Hell, I bet quite a few people here have nearly cut their plums off with one. I know I have. Just be very carefull, keep the area (especially the floor) clear so that you can do it in one go without tripping or knocking anything over. I always knew this but only actually learnt after the plum chopping incident
  18. Born in Sweden. Living near Leicester in England. Can bearly speak English and trying to learn Spanish (cause I'm off to South America for a 6 month honeymoon )
  19. The wood for my neck (and with some carefull cutting my finger board too) cost about £15 from Craft Supplies and I had the glue. It's the fretting stuff thats going to cost the dosh. Where abouts in the UK are you then Lee?
  20. www.ampge.com the main guys away until mid next month but you can get all your pick up goodies there
  21. Have a look on Myka's website. It shows him doing the fake binding.
  22. I was priming my polished-turd-ocaster by hanging it on my washing line and spraying it with a rattle can. I was wondering if when I'm applying the paint is it best to sparay the sides and then the top and bottom to avoid runs or the other way round (or indeed does it matter)? Just want to know for future reference, I don't need it for this guitar because I'm using good old Hammerite hammered finish to paint it with anyway. My mate built a resonater and painted it to look like metal and it looked . This sparked me off into looking for an alternative paint which made me think of Hammerite, it might look like a gate but I'm willing to try it While I'm here, has anyone tried boat enamel to paint a guitar?
  23. Unlike Coen, I do actually suck. But the other week I made a didjaredo (sp?) make the right noise first time I had a go. It's not much but it's all I've got to cling on to. Used to play drums (about 10 years ago) and had a go on them the other week too. I sucked at that more than I used to . Basically, I just suck at music.
  24. Lee You mentioned Craft Supplies so I'm guessing that you're from good old blighty Have a look at www.axesrus.co.uk as they have some necks and are in England. Actually now I think of it, don't craft supplies sell necks? I seem to remember some in the book. Don't think that they had the headstock cut to shape but that can't be too dificult to do. Kaj
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