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Everything posted by bluespresence

  1. The world needs more bass players Build a bass...............
  2. eddiefletcher.....ever play a Fender acoustic? Did you like it? Cort makes them.......don't let a label fool you. Most guitars are made by a very few companies and have a different label put on them at the end of the line. My experience with Cort is that they are very good guitars for the money. Not a $2000 custom job by far but a great axe for the price. Just a little FYI.....
  3. Having dealt with UPS for years you can still get a claim started and get your money back. Call 1-800-CALLUPS (in the US, not sure if it's the same in Canada) or go online to www.ups.com and get the Canadian number. Did you purchase it from ebay or an online dealer? You can also contact them and get the claim rolling........ From the looks of it the strings were not loosened prior to shipping and the box was dropped or hit. The box can be in perfect shape when it arrives but if it was dropped flat it will cause this. It happens especially when the big companies or the inexperienced ship guitars. I forgot to loosen the strings once when I was in a hurry and my customer received a "headless" acoustic. Not a good thing. BTW.....UPS SUCKS at paying claims. They deny all responsibilty and blame the shipper then walk away. They soaked me for several guitars that were clearly damaged by them (tire tracks on the box, hole straight through the box and acoustic guitar inside, crushed boxes, etc). I finally got fed up and switched to DHL and have had no issues with them. They did drop and break one but they paid the insurance claim so I can't complain. Also, a case is not necessary when shipping if the shipper knows what they are doing. I ship double boxed and well padded guitars all the time with no problem - acoustic and solid bodies. If you pack them right they arrive in one piece. 2 cents from a guy that shipped over 800 guitars last year......FWIW.
  4. She's sold! I have a few more Jackson's in stock including an SL3, a WRXT with trans blue flame top and 2 Soloist SLSMG's. I will be getting them listed as soon as I can.....email me if you want one and we'll get pics for you. Thanks!
  5. I finally got an RR3 in. She's clean and straight. See the link for more details. Jackson RR3 Any questions just email me through here or ebay and I'll get back to you quickly. Thanks, BP
  6. He's actually not far off on his price. They do go for over $150,000 with over $200,000 not uncommon for a nice one with a good flame top.........crazy ain't it!!! $50,000 is common for one that's pretty beat up. This is one of the few guitars that doesn't even have a price for it in the Blue Book.......it's pretty much what the market will bear at any given time and the '58-'60 LP's always get top dollar. Makes me wish I would have bought one in the '70's for two or three thousand bucks and held on to it.
  7. ummmm.........ever heard of Rush, Zeppelin, Sabbath, etc? Tool is a killer band! Oh, yeah, this is about Jet.....they're ok. It's the music biz though. Someone sells a sound and everyone follows for a year or two and then they're gone. The good one's stick around year after year doing their own thing and creating their own sound like Metallica, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Rush and 30 or 40 more that I don't have space to list (and I'm sure your list would be different than mine).
  8. I think so Jeff. It Blue Books at $480 in 100% mint condition.......the one ding and light fret wear put it at probably 90-95% which drops it down to the $350 range. I know we all like to get what we paid for, but realistically some guitars are like cars and they lose 15% as soon as you walk out the door of the music store (Dano is one of them). Other than that, I think those are some killer looking guitars. You really don't see anything with that "Dano" look and IMO it looks twice as sweet in a double neck.
  9. Nice looking design. I'd prefer a couple of HB's or an MM p'up instead of the P's personally. But....it's your bass so rock on!!
  10. GRRRRRR!!!! Went from 30 this morning to 21 and snow, then back to 30 and rain that froze as soon as it hit the ground here today........no driving for me! The cars on the highway by the house have been going about 5 MPH all afternoon (they usually go 60+). Still raining too.... Killer looking body! I'll ditto Maiden.....neck pics??
  11. Looks ready to go to me! Throw some pickups in that bad boy, toss on a bridge and add some strings........seriously, those wings have some nice grain patterns in them. Whatever you end up with I'm sure it will look nice. I guess I better get to glueing on mine this weekend....I've put it off long enough. Time to email LightWave Tech with an order!!
  12. Mine has a trap door in the back for the battery and the preamp sits in the control cavity accessible from the front.
  13. No but he sure has some nice looking work on there! If you buy from hime let us know how it turns out. I will probably pick something up from him this weekend if I can get a good deal just to check it out.
  14. As always that was not easy.....props to all. Nice looking axes this month!
  15. I have a couple of acoustic/electric guitar bodies that were damaged (necks only) up for sale. I also have the preamps (eq's) and tuners. The link takes you to my store and from there you can click the "Other" category on the left side to get it narrowed down to the parts. A/E Parts
  16. I'll stick to being an online dealer. My goal is to not have to get up and be at work at a certain time. I like the "freedom" of working out of the house - I say "freedom" because it really does tie me to the computer but at least I don't have a boss.......except my dog and he only bugs me when I'm eating and I don't share Brick and mortar stores require employees, light bills, heat bills, rent or mortgage payments, etc......having married into a family with a 100+ year old business I live with the hassle of running a store (they are at it 24/7). Another benefit is keeping my prices down. Since I don't have all those other bills I can remain competetive with the big online dealers and hopefully be one of them some day. It's been a pretty good year....good enough that the wife agrees her paycheck can support us while I keep growing and reinvesting every penny into my business. The only drawback is the tax man.....taxes are due next month and that takes a huge chunk of my money that would have been reinvested. The joy of capitalism..... EDIT: I forgot to mention one of my goals is to start a non-profit group that provides musical instruments to kids that can't afford them. I figure if I was introduced to playing at a younger age I would have avoided a lot of the trouble I found myself in. I believe music gives kids direction and discipline that is lacking in our society and I feel a need to help - even if it is only in a small way. If I'm home I will have the time to build that up with my business and give it the time I want without being tied down to a job or a store to run.
  17. I'm slowly getting into electronics but selling 75+ guitars a month plus working a full time job is keeping me from getting more lines at the moment. My full time job is coming to an end very soon and I'll be doing the guitar thing full time. Here's the start of the new life: Presence Guitars eBay has been the bread and butter so far and it's really hard to beat because of the traffic it gets.
  18. Go here to watch Warren Buffet (the billionaire guy) playing an electric uke: Buffet - Uke Give it a minute to load.....he's in the lower left corner of the page. Pretty cool little clip from a local shop here in Wisconsin.
  19. Hey Primal....I just realized I have an almost new 2x10 with a 4x6 horn (100W)sitting here that I only used in my studio. The going price is VERY reasonable - less than $100 including shipping if you're in the states - about $75 if you're in the midwest since shipping is cheaper the closer you are. PM me if you're interested. I'm also getting rid of my Peavey 115 Combo (300W) but I'm not giving that away
  20. I came across this locally and thought I'd tease you bass players......... Sigma STB-R Bass PM me if you have any Q's I'm VERY tempted to keep this one but I just picked up a Michael Kelly Dragonfly. Maybe I'll keep it anyway if it doesn't sell
  21. Ya it's been runing very slooooow for me as well off and on I was kinda woundering why this was? is this because you have started geting the site backed up Kevan, or is it something else? !!METAL MATT!! I third that! I'm on DSL and several times in the last two days I just gave up waiting for a page to load after a minute or two.......I thought it was just me
  22. Without getting into a "this brand is better than that brand" discussion..... I would definitely recommend the 4x10 with your 15. I started with a 15 then added a 2x10 and it still didn't quite do it (although it was nice). Once I added the 4x10 with a 15 and a decent head I was all set for the tone I wanted and all the volume I would ever need. My current rig: Ampeg SVT3-PRO Ampeg 4x10 Cab Fender 115 Pro (with US Made Eminence 15) Boss TU-2 tuner pedal I'm not a pedal guy.....I like a clean bass sound.
  23. Speaking of wood......I think I have some after looking at that Very nice design, choice of wood and creativity! Now I need a tissue.........
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