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Everything posted by bluespresence

  1. Yep!! If I was there I'd snap it up at that price. I hope it goes up another few hundred (or more) for you.
  2. I hate to do it but she gets NO play time anymore.......... 77 Ric 4001 PM me with any questions.
  3. I've handled/played and sold over 100 Schecters and have found them all to be of great quality especially for the money. IMO it's one of the best guitars out there in it's price range. The necks are nice, the pickups decent, the components are of decent quality, they're put together well, etc, etc, etc. Go to harmony Central and read the reviews. Last time I looked every review on the Schecters was great to outstanding. I don't think you'll be disappointed...... The C1 Classic has the SD JD and SD Jazz p'ups and the Exotic has the Super Rock's. I think the Super Rocks are going to be "dirtier" sounding than you want for jazz, but only your ears will know, not mine. I recommend going to a store that carries them and playing them both. You'll get the answers to all of your questions best that way.
  4. OK, these threads are not at all in the spirit of this forum so this one, as with the others, must die a peaceful death. Matt has the right idea....this horse is dead, let's pick up our sticks, quit beating it and move on.
  5. You'll find it easy to ignore Whitey's post now.....I deleted it. Entries only in the GOTM thread. Start a new thread for opinions and or comments.
  6. Whitey, the name you are looking for is a "skunk stripe". On Topic.....Ibanez uses a 3 piece laminate mahogany neck on the SZ320MH so I don't see why a 3 piece all maple would be out of the realm of possibilty.
  7. Relax silvertone.....he was kidding.
  8. ^^^^^ That's pretty standard warranty text. Basically they want you to buy their product, leave it intact and never mess with it or the warranty will be void. It reads like a million other warranties from others. I've been surfing eBay for a busted up one so I can build a similar project but the very few that show up there go up too high in price. This may have to wait until the "newness" wears off the product and then be approached again, at least for me.
  9. Come on now! You can't drop a post like that and not leave an explanation. Are you off to Juvenile Hall (juvey jail) or something???? Or did Mom catch you surfing those naughty sites and remove your computer privileges??
  10. My vote would be for crypto tech. When you get out, whether it's in 4 years or 20 years you'll want something you can do for a living. I have a feeling after 9/11 arplanes are not the way to earn a living anymore since all of the companies are going belly up and pulling all the pensions, etc. Cryptology will always have its place in and out of the military. With the continued rise of the net and the necessity for corporate and personal digital security you should be able to find a decent paying job after the service to use your skills. Plus, the CT's get to sit in a nice air conditioned room all day and NOBODY is allowed in except them and the XO and CO. I was a radar tech so I had the AC rooms also but most everyone hung out in my space because of the AC.
  11. Nice work! Good to see a bass around here and don't tell Bob but he's wearing a girl's hat
  12. Congrats meegs! It's a tough choice to make in today's world. True Story........ When I went to the recruiter 25 years ago he asked me what branch I wanted to join....I had no idea. Then he asked me what I wanted to do....I knew that one - electronics Then he asked me if I wanted to sleep in a bed and eat 3 hot meals a day or sleep in a ditch and eat out of a can.......I joined the Navy 3 hots and a cot baby!! Think about it.
  13. Congrats Kevan!! I thought it would never end for you and I'm glad to see the time has come to reap the rewards of all your work.
  14. Neck Blank I have an LP USA pickup in my listings this week too. I will probably be listing a couple one piece Mahogany body blanks later this week or next week. I have 3 of them and only plan on using only one of them.
  15. Drak, why did you wipe out all of your posts? You killed the thread and it no longer is useful whatsoever except for taking up space. What's going on?
  16. 2-15/16" from the top edge of the bridge plate to the center of the pickup (NOT the saddles but the plate itself). It is 30-1/2" from the nut to the center if you want to go the other way to make sure you have it placed correctly.
  17. How well did it go the first time you had sex? Did you give up or keep trying until you got it right? I'm still trying to get it right but you better believe I am enjoying the process along the way!! Same goes for building guitars or cars or anything else.
  18. I played piano for several years and also have not played it in several years since I started bass. I thought it was a fairly easy instrument to learn and had a LOT less trouble with piano than I did with guitar or bass. I also set up a strict practice routine on piano that included playing scales up and down the keys for 20 minutes before I would practice any music. I devoted 1 hour a day to it and within a few months was fairly proficient.......I was actually good enough to garner several compliments from my wife who has been playing since she was 4 (let's just say it's over 30 years so I don't get in too much trouble!). I'd agree with mled' and get a decent book on chords and scales and practice it up! It is a fun instrument and IMO a lot easier to play than most if you practice.
  19. OMG......he's still at it. I cruised over to the Donna's forum and found the thread. Welcome back Matt (Lex).
  20. I like #3. It goes with the lines and seems to fit the axe better than the others, at least to me.
  21. Seems to be a lot of you set against credit. How many of you use credit cards? I consider those the same as or worse than a loan since the rates are so much higher. I did it because I paid no interest so I could make interest off my money for 5 months while I paid on my rig.....it's like getting free money to me. When I didn't have money I didn't use credit unless I absolutely had to. Now I am older and have a few bucks I use it when it benefits me. I guess it depends on how you look at it.
  22. Thanks for the info. I'll go over there and poke around through the search function to see what I come up with. I had a chunk of quilt maple that I let dry as one piece before I had it resawn and it seems to be fine. I realize maple and redwood are two different animals and I have plenty of time and patience to let it dry as one piece.
  23. Very nice! I really liked the bending vid's. Very informative on wood types and characteristics.
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