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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. MikeB


    have a few jazz picks, not a great fan! have just moved from a 2mm to a 1.5mm finding it nicer. my problem is with speed picking and tremolo picking chord things, its not really a problem with lead stuff i find, kinda odd. thanks for the advice guys, dave, spot on, no settling! what solo are you learning? just out of interest! mike
  2. is that a washburn EC29 hehe, very cool. nice arp, kinda strange, but cool!
  3. i *might* have a go if i feel up to it, its something i dont wanna ruin by bad playing or tone, nevertheless i may have a crack at it. and yes, its a very nice thought
  4. man alive... has this not just been asked! search function!! well, there is a tutorial on the bursting and metallic look at PG. paint, i use PlastiCote, but have heard duplicolor is good etc... search!! EDIT PS: totally wrong forum!
  5. dont get me wrong we have pine that is crap, but if you find the good stuff, its worth a look in. it is approx the cost of sepele mahogany.
  6. some Lauren Nylon string, still play it. samick strat copy was first electric, i miss it now!
  7. MikeB


    hey any info on improving tremolo picking/speed picking, it is one thing i am not so sharp at! thanks mike
  8. every time someone says pine is not a suitable wood they will get the same reply from me. most soft pines suck, but the expensive, dense Pitch pine/yellow pine/parana pine is good, it has better statistics than maple if i recall. i have built a guitar out of this, and am very pleased with it, so much so that i am selling my ibanez.
  9. im gonna stain over the wood filler as per LGMs instructions i think... i also asked the firm Behlen, they say fill wood then stain. im gonna give it a blast! if it doesnt turn out well i will get laquer and mix the stain to the laquer, thats gonna be more reliable! thanks mike
  10. i know! im gonna look for a camera soon! UPDATE! i got my grain filler, and am testing it on a piece of oak, just to see if and how well it works, then ill try staining it. needless to say i will test with the ash when im really doing it. ok, soon to be ordered is: Lace Red/Blue/Gold set Kluson tuners Bridge Brass Nut (maybe graphite) electronics scratchplates etc.. i will have pics soon!!! Mike
  11. UPDATE! i have just ordered the grain filler from Behlen http://www.behlen.co.uk/ i spoke to them on the phone and they recommended filling the grain first, then staining, then poly etc... glad this area is cleared up, was bugging me! funnily enough i read the front of the Behlen stain (alcohol based) it says "WARNING POISON!" very reasuring! anyway thats all from me, next i should be ordering my pickups, and hardware, and hopefully working on the neck as i have all thatis required for it. Mike
  12. not to go off topic, ,but your post count is 0
  13. alex has one on his site i think
  14. lookin like a good relic, you can also get partly that aged look by holding a match (lit ) below it briefly, this would be to compliment the stains atm, as it leaves more of a black stain, also if you let it burn the knobs, they come out quite well, but dont try and kill me if its not as you like it, smittys guitar is like this, ill try make him take a high res photo of it. btw, is there an easy way of getting that amber colour on the neck, the vintage maple look, without using dye? thanks, mike
  15. UPDATE! wood from craft supplies has FINALLY come! the flamed maple fingerboard is AWESOME! its truely beautiful! the maple neck blank is flawless, very straight, all kiln dried! truss rod came also, looks like a single way modern style, averagely heavy jobbie! 2 metres of medium fretwire arrived to add to my existing 1 or 2. gotta figure (hahaha) out what to do, to use the grain filler mixed with the dye (still not sure of, alcohol based dye with water based grain filler) i could however get the nitro from the site, and just use many coats, any advice would be appreciated. i am thinking of using a full set of gold series lace sensors, or a red/blue/gold mix. probably the latter. kluson tuners will be used, with a vintage bridge (most likely) probably schaller locking tuners. i have also been toying with the idea of having no burst, i will have to see! thats all for now, next thing... grab a camera, and start! hopefully a structured tutorial will come of this! it will also be hosted off site with no clutter for your reading pleasure! also i will host my 31 fret tut with it. thats all for now! Mike
  16. i did this because i had no pots, which i remedied, it sounded totally crap! dont use these, no volume at all!
  17. double, it has to be double!
  18. i will get strap locks for my 31 fret guitar, as the pin is on the back of the top horn, and this has fallen off several times, i have caught it tho! but i dont want to have a nice guitar mangeled!
  19. although i doubt litch is quite better than may, you have no proof that he is better, its all opinion. toni is an amazing playe, and lets face it style isnt a measure of how good a guitarist you are, and speed is very valid. brian may is not the be all and end all, he is good, but lets not get ahead of ourselves!
  20. well, stewmac do thin wire, as do craft supplies (uk) i think warmoth may... not sure on size, if you need links just ask and ill look! Mike
  21. Thanks for the audio! It gives me good insight into what you are doing, interesting sounds! I might have a dabble with one sometime, to see what happens, you never know! Keep it up! Any new designs on the way? thanks psw! Mike
  22. come on, most i have laughed is about 2 or 3 times, because the slams were all the same drivel about ppls sisters/wives/mums and usually just mixing peoples names with swear words, it was truely lacking in intelligence. there were a few witty slams, but nothing worth keeping, i say delete it. and by the way, wes doesnt loose any posts (if im not mistaken) when you delete a thread, its the same as deleting a post, you dont loose anything, and if anything got lost Brian or someone could give wes his several hundred thousand posts. i think that along with the search fuunction being set to the beginning as default (which i have wanted since i joined here) i think the main topics could be set to the beginning as well, unless these are the same thing. Kevan, thanks for cleaning the site up, far too many pointless posts in tutorial or pictorial threads. also that rant section i think would give a bad impression to anyone who visits and decides to check it out. perhaps make it available to download so all the precious (repeated, tedious) jokes and retorts can be saved. the best bit in the entire slam thread was the first few pages when alex was there, i think i laughed at it. it really is beyond a joke though! what are the rules for idiot posting? i mean, whats the penalty for being a dork and saying something like "tits" in the middle of a pictorial or something... you know who you are. this is irritating when its a fantastic pictorial, but gets degraded with stupid kiddie posting. i did use the report button, but i dont think it works. any news on that? thanks Mike
  23. kent armstrongs arent bad pickups. nor are seymors or dimarzios, you cant really go wrong!
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