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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. i was referring to shreddys last design! where is your design?
  2. Maestro, beautiful guitar!! I also love the Strat, but i don't know if it is entered into the competition.
  3. You could also, for height adjustment purposes, find the height you want, and heasure from the bottom of the pickup to the body, then make a fillet of wood this size, and glue to the body, then set pickup on top of it, then screw it up. This is really for if you have routed for normal pickup cavity or over-routed. Jammy, thats another idea i was going to suggest! Mike
  4. You wouldn't consider building that, would you? *shocked*
  5. Travis, that's a beaut! I am probably gonna buy the Lacewood, but i gotta know how to bleach it, or if it even needs done! Any links or info on this would be very well recieved! Mike
  6. thanks for the input! im thinkin Cherry or Lacewood now, i have mailed the supplier with some questions. im gonna send david a PM to ask his opinions etc...
  7. are there many high speed crashes on the autobahn? engine blowouts? sounds extra cool!
  8. thanks litch, one down! im thinking either lacewood or cherry, but i havent seen how lacewood looks on a guitar, if anyone has pics id appreciate it
  9. hi, i am going to order my strat wood, and im sorted all down to the body! im a little in between what i would like. body woods i have a few in mind. gonna use 1 piece bodies. the options are; USA cherry (favourite atm) lacewood imbuya sycamore (maple) ash i know theres lots of woods, but hopefully with your help the best one will be shown, bearing in mind the finish i want. i like the cherry most atm, does anyone have any suggestions though? other woods: neck: maple fretboard: flamed maple pickups will prolly be along the lines of lace sensors or stacked coils etc... i will be building this soon, so i will keep this thread updated with pics and progress, but it will be slow i warn ye! mike
  10. if it looks KINDA like that its gonna blow
  11. excellent again! yeah, sound would be very cool!
  12. that thing looks disgusting!
  13. gonna make a beaut there! simply fantastic!
  14. man, geocities doesnt allow hosting to any message boards etc... so you could try hosting your pics at www.fullservesite.com its free and easy as 3.141592654535....... you need to paste this link http://www.geocities.com/carldavidsson/render.jpg into your server to make it work
  15. am considering building one of their strats if it will be worth my while, im also gonna do a self build from scratch strat as soon as the workshop is cleared!
  16. looks great you didnt happen to cut thatoff the guitar, hehehe j/k
  17. psw, awesome work! great thread! posting sound is easy as 3.141592654535........... basically record it, ,and make it mp3 then upload it to www.fullservesite.com and like to it here if your accound with full serve site (which is free and limitless storage, it rocks!) has the name psw your link sould look like www.fullservesite.com/members/psw/clip.mp3 in ofder for this to work remove /members from the URL so it becomes www.fullservesite.com/psw/clip.mp3 hope this helps! awesome work as usual!!! Mike
  18. Eb 008-038's for me, they are fine! i may try Gibson Super Light 008-038's sometime. did you know Gibson do a set of Super Light ones with a plain 4th, 008-034's!!!! holey mackerel! might be worth a look, just for a laugh!
  19. MikeB


    PM El Dangerouso (i think that correct) he knows lots about modes, and has given me an awesome amount of email help when i bug him with different scales etc... great guy! mike
  20. i was away for a bit and wondered where this got to when i got back! well, psw if you have any new info if would rock! plus pics if poss! the CP8 sounds more promising! but yeah, as lovecraft said try some mild steel. i used this im my amp to cover the transformers, works quite well i must say! mike
  21. MikeB

    DIY stuff

    good idea ansil! welldone again!
  22. yep, spot on killah! the pot will be slipping and hitting the other pot, and moving it. take the knob off and tighten the nut holding it on, these come loose at times, it happened exactly the same on my old samick. its on the scratchplate so wood changes wouldnt do it, its usually due to turning the pot too much and loosening the nut. mike
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