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Your first guitar


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My first guitar was a 1965 Epiphone Riviera archtop. Belonged to my dad's friend who was killed by a hitchhiker just after they graduated. I recently replaced the pots and cleaned all the electronics up. It sounds gorgeous. My dad gave my his old Musicman HD-210 amp to play through.

I have since bought for myself in no particular order, a Squier Telecaster, an Epiphone Les Paul Custom, and a mid 1930's Harmony Patrician.

I also have access to (they aren't mine yet but when dad goes) a 1962 Gibson Melody Maker, a mid 90's American Strat, a late 70's Gibson R&D Artist, an Ibanez Joe Satriani sig, and a handful of older classical guitars(my dad has this nasty habit of impulse buying even the shadiest 3/4 size classicals he finds, I suppose its his idea of bringing home strays)

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I don't think I've posted in this thread, so here goes.

1st guitar - Peavey Raptor. Cheap Strat clone. I sanded the neck a bit, and I swear, the thing plays like butter. I'm looking forward to having the money to strip the everything off the body and neck and putting good electronics, pickups and hardware on it.

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It was 1975, me mum bought me a 'Clark' acoustic to learn on.

(...from the Clarke Music Store up the street :DB) )

At the same time, my friends' mum bought -him- a Yamaha acoustic, bottom of the line model. Both starter guitars.

That bottom-of-the-line Yamaha -smoked- my Clarke and I -hated- that Clarke guitar and would not pick it up! I would only play the Yamaha.

That thing, bottom of the line tho it was, ...played like buttuh.

First guitar -I- bought, a 1979 Wine Red Gibson Les Paul Custom with my tax return money. $550.00, it was a factory second with a teeny tiny little flaw in the paint no one would ever see if you didn't point it out to them.

That guitar was all balls.

What a retard I was for ever selling -that- little honey, but I was near homeless and needed cash in a HURRY.

I want another one.

...Guess I'll just build one :D:D:D

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A Hyundai electric guitar. They made guitars for about.... 2 years i think. I put a dimarzio fred in it and eventually sold it. That was probably about 14 years ago.....

It had 24 frets, floyd, humbucker/single/single, all of the nice body cuts and a nice translucent green finish. It also had a warped neck and an improperly installed locking nut.

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My first guitar was a '72 Gibson SG Standard. I had asked for a guitar for Christmas every year since I was 5 and never got one. My parents decided to get divorced right at Christmas and asked me what I wanted. I told them a guitar or nothing. Spoiled... I know. My pops and I never really got along, so he bought me a used SG and this huge 300 watt bass amp from the seventies to try and win me. My parents got divorced... I went with my mom... and I still play that guitar to this day. Since then I have owned 67 guitars ranging from Ibanez, B.C. Rich, Jackson, Carvin, Fender, PRS, Zemaitis, Ampeg, Robin, ESP, Fernandez, Washburn, Gretsch, Martin, Guild, and a butt load of Gibsons. Right now, all I own is the SG and all the guitars I've built.

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