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In Progress: Neck Through Explorer


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i am not a joiner, but my best friend, who helps me building this guitar is one :D . my wood i got from several sources. for an example: various carpenters and ebay offers.

ok, if pointy guitars are those guitars crazy carl has listed, i dont like pointy guitars as well, except the old explorer shape. the new explorer shapes like the new esp or the washburn hm 20v... i hate them B)


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nice work.. ^^

your fretting's status is good?

fretting is not easy.. check & check fretting.. and leveling work is not good.. it is last method.. use hammer and last use files..

and radius block use and sending fret is not good..

sorry.. my language is too bad..

good work.. good luck...

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  • 2 months later...


soooooooorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy that i have not post anything for about two months, but i am a student and had to do some exams, so the time was very rare.

well i finished the guitar two wekks ago and i show it to you right now. because it has been awhile, i do not show you the last steps, just the results. here it is:








i think you can see everything on the photos. but if you have any questions, please ask...i will answer if possible. the main aspect on the guitar, is that you can switch between avtive and passive circuit. i tell you the active circuit is really heavy. i wish james hetfield would test my guitar B) .........perhaps he would like it.

greetz from germany. rock on! :D:D

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Turn out nice! Im with feylya on the headstock, it looks good, but got too much wood and is missing the K L attitude. And the rear plate don't go with the wood, I think that a black one will look more at home than that one, but it is a nice Axe, how does it sound!

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thank you guys for your comments.

well there is no hardware in black on the guitar, except the pickups, so i wanted to give it a metal back plate. i think it is a different style from all the mainstream composition. everyone gives black hardware to a wooden guitar. i love the metal

finished hardware.

second thing: because i do not wanted only to copy exactly the ken lawrence guitar, i designed the headstock a little different. the original headstock is really nice, but this is my interpretation of that headstock. it turned to be out, that i find my curved carved headstock nicer than the original one, but everyone has a different taste. and there will come a logo to the head, perhaps an "R" for Ragman in metal finish.

the sound: it is awesome. and i do not say that because it is may guitar. i play the guitar since two weeks in my hardrock band. i play an Engl "Richi Blackmore" Signature Amp. The passive mode is some kind of bluesy and warm..... ZZTop like. But most of the time we play hardrock and metal, so i switch to the active mode, and that is unbelievable, a real heavy tone. i think the guitar sounds like an esp explorer, but with active power. a friend of mine plays a esp viper with emg81. no problem to draw level with. my petrucci ibanez, which i used for three years i unsoldered by the kle. this won´t be my last guitar...... :D


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Man, that thing is nice. I had some reservations about the lack of contrast between the neck and body, but it ended up working very well. You, sir, have a beautiful axe!

I, for one, like the headstock. It fits the guitar well, and has a very different--but still metal--vibe to it.

Personally, I think the backplate would have looked better with the inner edge parallel to the neck laminates, staying fully within the bounds of the wing. However, it looks just fine as is. Perhaps it would look better if it were buffed out to a shiny chrome finish?

Again, congrats on a build gone right. :D

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what is that black thing on this picture:


looks like some sort of cover

i think that guitar is absolutely perfect, you couldnt have made it any better, its sooooo beautiful

i really wish i had it

only one bad thing, i think you should have installed a set of emg active pickups, preferably the EMG-81 (bridge) and the EMG-60 (neck).

otherwise, that guitar is perfect, how much did it cost in total to build?



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ok, because threre is some misunderstandings in other forums (there is a guy who says he built my guitar :D ) i have to say that i use the name "benwolf666" in other forums, if the name ragman is no more available. Thank you for your understanding B) .

So greets from germany again


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