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Me personally, I think they're a bunch of hacks. Boring riffs, cliche'd lyrics, crappy singing style. It's a wonder they got big. And that one song, I forget what it's called, but you guys probably know which one I'm talking about, is a total rip off of the Beatles. It's called like Look what we've done, or something like that. That guy's got a sweet flying V though...

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I thought they were okay.... until I saw their performance on Saturday Night Live. It was horrible. The song they played (you know, the one with the pretty cool bass intro) didn't flow, and it sounded VERY thin. I really think they need another guitarist. The only band that I have heard that can pull off a show with one guitarist is Tool. Its probably the KICKA** rhythm section, though.

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...live, I'd be w/o hesitation to say they suck. Majorly. And I'm typically only this hard on bubblegum punk pansies. But, regarding studio action, while I don't find any originality or innovation in what they're doing (and I'm disgusted that they're trying to play classic hard rock but ditching powerful, provocative solos) I think they've either got a great producer or someone in that band has a good ear- the recordings themselves, the simplistic and bare-bone aren't too bad. Plus, a lil cred just for playin Gibsons, eh? Overall, don't like.

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the song also sounds like a rip off to the doors intro of Touch Me. Also sounds like a rip off of Iggy Pops - Lust For Life.

it's a stupid fad and I have yet to see talent. I've heard quite a few bands, all playing 60s guitars with weak pickups, and 60s amps all which were sold to Sears (which sucks for us projectguitar guys IMO cause now all those guitars on ebay are going up) Why listen to the guys supposedly bringing back classic rock when classic rock is still around?! Neil Young still releases albums, so does John Fogerty (though his latest was prolly a little more country compared to his CCR days). I mean if you're gonna give credit IMO to a guy on the scene who was in the mainstream during the early 90s and still is and sounds more like classic rock than anyone else in the limelight today would be Tom Morello from RATM, now in Audioslave. Just listen closely and you can hear some classic riffs though he uses heavy distortion (again my opinion)

It's just a waste of everybodies time I think. Anyone notice how Franz Ferdinad look like a bunch of Nazis? Surprisingly named after the arch duke who was assinated which started world war 1 lol. It's a record company thing too; record companies don't want bands to hang around forever like the beatles, stones, and all of the classics did - they want hot fresh items all the time so people buy into them and then toss them out. Now I am 17, so correct me here if I am wrong about anything, but back in the day in the 60s and 70s wasn't it the band that told the manager what to do? now the manager is telling bands what to do! Also didn't record companies pay out of their own pocket towards artists? Now if you're new to the scene you gotta pay for it through your first album, unless you've got muscle - its all about muscle. Why do more musicians get independent record labels now? I don't have problems with people getting a record contract, I have problems with musicians being told how to create their music. If I was offered a record contract I would simply read it, and then move into the phase of "change this to what I want or I walk" because I want to share my music not some businessmens idea interpreted by me.

Another genre that gets on my nerves is this stupid nu-punk. I mean they have nu-metal, but not nu-punk? Pfft. I don't like the fact that blink 182 and Good Charlotte run around saying their punk putting them side by side with Johnny Rotten. Also, I just don't think you should label yourself punk when you plan your next gig in Iraq performing for soldiers like a few bands have done so far.

Sorry for such a long rant lol.


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The only band that I have heard that can pull off a show with one guitarist is Tool

ummmm.........ever heard of Rush, Zeppelin, Sabbath, etc? :D

Tool is a killer band! Oh, yeah, this is about Jet.....they're ok. It's the music biz though. Someone sells a sound and everyone follows for a year or two and then they're gone. The good one's stick around year after year doing their own thing and creating their own sound like Metallica, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Rush and 30 or 40 more that I don't have space to list (and I'm sure your list would be different than mine).

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I find all these retro bands interchangeable and insufferably dull. If I want to listen to the Stooges or AC/DC I'll go and listen to them, not some weak-ass copy by people who can't play (or can play worse than the original artists).

It IS a fad, and it will pass, which is bad news for all these hairy, skinny tie wearing muppets.

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As much as i despise Oasis, they are multi multi gazzilionaires, and had more then one album.

Sucked ass when they played at Glastonbury. Absolute dog toss. Aparently they had a row before going on stage (that'll make a change then :D )

As for Jet - yeah, they're alright. Unoffensive anyway.

As for the comments about music today being of the brown and squidgy variety....

.... well as long there was music, there was always crap. Look at the 60's - plenty of good music but then there was Lulu and Cilla Black, honest to god Cilla goddamn Black. Take the 70's and Donny sodding Osmand etc etc. There are plenty of decent bands now:

Kings of Leon

Snow Patrol (wasn't really a fan until I heard the awesome new album)

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

The Zutons

just to name 4

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As much as i despise Oasis, they are multi multi gazzilionaires, and had more then one album.

Sucked ass when they played at Glastonbury. Absolute dog toss. Aparently they had a row before going on stage (that'll make a change then :D )

As for Jet - yeah, they're alright. Unoffensive anyway.

As for the comments about music today being of the brown and squidgy variety....

.... well as long there was music, there was always crap. Look at the 60's - plenty of good music but then there was Lulu and Cilla Black, honest to god Cilla goddamn Black. Take the 70's and Donny sodding Osmand etc etc. There are plenty of decent bands now:

Kings of Leon

Snow Patrol (wasn't really a fan until I heard the awesome new album)

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

The Zutons

just to name 4

snow patrol! oh come on.

there are decent bands nowadays but the aint your MTV they are out there doing it

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