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Should die, plain and simple, man, some of the people you have to deal with in this game, I just wanna shoot them.

If I get one more person asking me.....

"how much for a custom design?"

I'm going to freak.....

Seriously, I get about 4 emails like this a week.

My new standard response is

"how much for a car?"

God, it drives me up the wall!!!!!!

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Ha. Im sorry for laughing, but i get stuff like that in robotics. But with a whole inventory of stuff. Since i became the youngest executive on my team (treasurer exec position) i have people asking me three questions for everything:

1. Can i have some money to buy this part?

2. Where can i get this part?

3. How much does the part cost?

My answers:

1. Do we NEED the part for the robot, or can we make it/

2. the store depending on type of product

3. LOOK IT UP. and if they are too bussy i give them some money, but estamate a little short to piss them off a few times. Well when i feel they deserve the punishment. When i give them a few short, they need to use some of their own money to buy it. Then they have to go through the trouble of getting their money back through me. Revenge is sweet. The people i do this too are only the ones who piss me off by not working and just shoot things from a metal tube hooked to the compressed air all day.

I feel you pain, just not as much.


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Brought a girl home one night and upon stepping into my living room she sees the stack of 5 guitar cases in one corner, one electric guitar leaning in the other corner and 2 more electrics on stands, as well as my Musicman amp sitting there. And she asks me: "DO YOU PLAY GUITAR?" HAWHAW :D

Edited by Southpa
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Jeremy, I assume you guide these people to the Leviathans when they ask. If they still insist on a custom, here's what you should do. Think up the most ornate guitar you can imagine, fancy inlay, with some really expensive woods and pimped-out electronics, and an educated guess about how long it would take and how many Leviathans you'd have to give up to get that one custom done. Then double that cost estimate, add whatever additional profit margin makes it worthwhile to you, and come up with $VWXYZ.

Then when people ask, tell them the cost STARTS at $VWXYZ. :D Prepaid. :D :D

If you get any takers, then you can kick back & work on 1 guitar at a time for awhile. B)

Edited by erikbojerik
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or how about this one. How much would it be for you to make me a strat?

It's freaking funny that people auccually ask you how much a custom design is. Are people really that stupid? I have met some prety dumb olnes but none THAT stupid. Man I would hate getting emails like that. man with how busy you are I would have to send them a nice frendly virus called the 'your stupid and you deserve this' virus :D

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All this reminds me of when I was a kid, and MAD magazine put out a book called "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions". It was loaded with situations just like these, and it gave hilarious answers to these idiotic questions. If anyone remembers that book, you know what I mean. If you stumble across an old copy, take minute to read some of them. Guaranteed to make your ribs hurt from laughing.

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Q: "Have an accident?"

A: "No thanks, I just had one."

I remember a custom boat I was working on for some millionaire from Texas. I mean, this thing was a total one-off, nothing like it in the world. Nobody could gauge the time it would take and the final cost during its construction. Every now and then the owner would come in and have a look around. Money was no problem, I mean, this guy was RICH. But he didn't realize that every time he wanted a change made, SIX addidional changes had to be made to accomodate that one change. Four years later the boat was completed to the tune of $8,000,000 US dollars. I think thats the sort of situation you must be facing LGM.

Think up a base price for your most basic Leviathan and quote that. Then let the prospective buyer know that if they want any modifications made the price can only go in one direction.

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Going back to Wes's post.

just what i was thinking.a 15 year old in charge of distributing money for "robots"

in the u.s. there are labor laws that prevent you from working at that age."executive"? 

is this a clubhouse where you build battlebots?

Its my high school robotics team. And i was elected, not hired. So no labor laws interfere. Its like a student government over robotics. a lot of team have them.

I do the right thing, becuase the first question is the one that comes up the most of them all. I cant waist money becuase it costs thousands of dollars each year for me team to go to two regional tournements and build the robot with the kit and machined metal. If i had more we would go to Nationals in Georgia, but cant. So we are tight on money so we can go to places, and if lucky save some money for tight spots later or to save to get to Nationals next year.

I got the MAd magazine CDs that came out a few years ago. From like the first issue to like 1998 or something like that. They even play the old vinyls the magazine occasionally had. They are great.

Im laughing as i think about one of those songs,


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Hey LGM!!

How much for a body and neck blank of any design you can think of off the top of your head, wood, dont worry about it, use 5A quilted maple for the entire body, i want the body 2 inchs thick with no laminates, and a pure ebony neck



o lets just say more than you could ever afford :D:DB) (which wouldent be such a bad thing to say to the "how much for a custom design?")

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You know, I suppose it depends on how much business you want to have. If you have serious takers, you could stand to make some serious bread.

I would write a basic message you could auto-reply to each of those leads. Simply respond that the basic prices are listed on the website for instruments, inlays, and custom finishing. You will not build from scratch any instrument that is a copy of anything mass produced or trademarked by another company. If you have a serious inquiry, please make a list of your needs and call this non-toll-free phone number between 8:00AM and 12:00PM.

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