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Birthday! Take a cha-cha-cha-chance! Thanks folks, doesn't seem like a b-day, but just relaxed anyway, painted some fence posts and did the laundry. But I got a lot of eggs to fry in the next coming week. Gotta get the fence in at my place, landlord pays cash. Gotta finish up some work at the house I just painted, more cash. And starting a condo paintjob on Saturday, more cash. I tell ya, I been one painting foole! Funny how it never just rains, it pours! So I better take it while I can get it.

I still managed to make a single coil size pickup ring out of 1/8" clear plexi and just itchin to fire up the router and get those pickup cavities routed. Might manage to enter GOTM for Aug, we'll see.

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