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Looking For Someone To Make Me A Body


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Hello all, Newbie here, I have a cool 2-piece Walnut body blank that myself and my Grandfather cut out from a downed Walnut tree in West Virginia. I would really like to make a cool Ibanez RG or Strat type guitar body out of it. The problem is that I really do not have the adequate tools or time to put into this project. I also have a 1 piece Walnut neck blank that I would liked to be built also. Any Luthiers here on the board that could help out with their services? Thanks!! :D

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you do know you can cut out a body with a handsaw, just leave LOTS of room for sanding

all you really need is a handsaw, lots of sand paper, chisels (sharp ones preferably) a hammer to hit the chisels with (unless, your like wes or myself and have guns o steel :D ) and, if you have a router, then your laughin!!

also, buy Melvin Hiscoocks (spelling?) book about building your own guitar, and read the tutorials on here!!

http://projectguitar.com/menu/tutorial.htm will be your friend!


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A warning....

In the past, newbs have come in here, and asked for necks/bodies to be made because they dont have the time/tools/ability to make their own.

The professional guitar makers, and experienced amatuers, all leave these threads alone, because they understand the difficulty of dealing with those people over a forum/email/etc.

The OTHER newbs/amatuers/woodbutchers see it as an opportunity to PRACTISE on wood that is being paid for by others...

Here is just ONE EXAMPLE of what can happen when you enlist amatuers to do a professional job.

Neck being made for member: GOTH FIEND

The neck NEVER EVER did arrive, but this fraud moved on to the next forum to sell his wares (or lack of actually)...

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Perry is spot on here. You most likely arent going to get any offers from anyone qualified to do the job and the people who may respond will be the ones to be wary of. I am not saying that this is the rule, but it has been the case pretty much 99% of the time in the past. Honestly, for the money that a custom body and neck would run you from a reputable luthier would be much better spent on a few good tools to do the job yourself.

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perry i was actually going to chime in on this as well, know some of you guys are awesome builders there is no doubt there, but i would definatly go with somebody who actually owns a shop and has some definate credentials the next time I ever work with anybody (perry is one for sure that i would work with, same thing with jeremy) just carefull with who you deal with.

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A warning....

In the past, newbs have come in here, and asked for necks/bodies to be made because they dont have the time/tools/ability to make their own.

The professional guitar makers, and experienced amatuers, all leave these threads alone, because they understand the difficulty of dealing with those people over a forum/email/etc.

The OTHER newbs/amatuers/woodbutchers see it as an opportunity to PRACTISE on wood that is being paid for by others...

Here is just ONE EXAMPLE of what can happen when you enlist amatuers to do a professional job.

Neck being made for member: GOTH FIEND

The neck NEVER EVER did arrive, but this fraud moved on to the next forum to sell his wares (or lack of actually)...

I had completely forgetten about this problem, there have been a few like this here.

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