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First Performance


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Hi, I am a student at the age of 15, still attending High School.

I have been playing guitar for about a year and the time has finally come where I perform for an audience. Problem is...

I have to perform in front of the school!!

I am really nervous, and afraid i'll mess up, or i'll look at a mate and lose my concentration. Any tips to ease me through the performance proccess will b egreatly appreciated.

Oh, and i was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions for what song I should perform. It will have to be partially formal, meaning no real metal rock, and not rely too much on the vocals, because we are having trouble finding a vocalist. Finally, it has to be a classic, because if not, then the crowd will be hard to please.

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"Don't Fear the Reaper" by the Blue Oyster Cult. It's got notariety because of SNL, a great solo, and it's a fun song to play live.

Memorize your part inside and out, almost so well that you could play with one hand behind your back :D . If you've got your part down that well, it won't matter if you get distracted.

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My band played that song when we were in high school. We got this huge(numskull of a) football player and handed him a cowbell and drum stick. He couldn't keep a beat worth anything, but he made a complete fool of himself(which I considered to be totally redeeming of his lack of musical abilities). Good times, good times.

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:D I Believe in a Thing Called Love (better - vocals), simple tune, nice groove, classic feel.

Learn your parts well enough to not have to think about playing them. Don't listen for anyone else in the band to cue you (other than tempo from the drums). Attack the beat. If (when) something goes wrong keep going and don't let the song stop.

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Enter Sandman by metallica? Its a classic and i think everyone should know it. I played this with my high shcool guitar band in my sophmore year, as soon as you hit the opening riff the crowd goes wild. Also it extremely easy to the point where once u learn ur parts u know them and dont think about it, also i enjoyed playing the solo, gots tons of wah, or maybe the national anthem? get crazy with it people enjoy that.

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You said no metal, right?

How about something from the Eagles? Maybe Long Run, maybe Life's Been Good by Joe Walsh (it might be too long though)?

Pick something where you won't have to carry the whole band and constantly be in the foreground. Joe Walsh and the Eagles have lots of songs where there's great guitar but it's not the only thing happening throughout the entire song.

Also, I'd do a few practice runs in front of smaller groups of people first. Build some confidence - maybe to the point where you're looking forward to it instead of being uncertain about it. If you have time that is.

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You're referring to the song by The Darkness, right? That song requires a ridiculously high pitched voice.

Yup. Did you catch the

better - vocals
(thats better minus vocals). The songs stands alone without vocals, and those vocals are crazy high. I was just thinking the classical rock style would be a nice fit. Nice easy tune, good grooves and tempo.


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Dude, you're going to be nervous and that's that! All you can do is know what you're playing inside and out and keep focused on what it is you're doing, not getting distracted by the mammalian protuberances bouncing up and down in the front row.

Next, picking classic material? Classic to who? Or do you mean Classic as in classical?

The most fun I ever had doing a high school thing is having a choir backing while doing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody! The crowd, the choir, and the school totally loved it!

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How about Billy Squier? The Stroke, Everybody wants You, Lonely is the Night,...? Get's everyone moving but you won't have to pull off any heroics.

Also, Pink Floyd might be a band worth considering. Lot's of great stuff you could pick from.

The one thing I really want to stress on this is to not put yourself into a postion where you have to be the main guy for the entire song.

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You don't need any advice, you're BucketHead!

Haha, joking aside, Kid Charlemagne by Steely Dan would be a cool song to do, but hard to do solo or with a small band.

But yeah, I'm 16, and my band covers Don't Fear The Reaper. Try it out, very fun song to jam out and have fun to.

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My first performance was when I was 15 too. My first song performed was at school and my band who we called No Remorse played the Metallica song Motorbreath. The kids went nuts and jumped out of the bleachers to come down to the gym floor with us and everything was crazy.

I was very nervous at first, then as soon as I kind of looked up and noticed everyone getting into it, I started getting into the song more and it seemed like all my troubles went away. When I was stringing on my guitar before I turned my amp on my legs were so shaky, I could barely stand. But after the performance I had this awsome natural high, and it just rocked. Now here I am about to get a new band together and reach that high a few more times before I leave school for good.

I do not recall a rock band playing under the roof of my school ever again since the event of Motorbreath. My good friend was suspended for replacing the last few lyrics of the last verse to swear words. (.... Same song and f^#@ing s#@^ yeah!!! MOTORBREATH its how i live my life....) The staff strictley told everyone to reamain seated for the entire variety show, however they could not stop the massive crowd comming down the bleachers.


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My first ever performance (if you could call it that) was a cover of tribute by tenacious D I did for a science project, I changed the name to Copper and made it all about copper. Was pretty sweet, but I was nervous as hell even though I was only playing in front of 36 people or so. A good suggestion would be take "Just Bust a Move" by Young MC and rock it out. My teacher told me about him and his buds doing it for the school talent show and he said the crowd went berserk.

P.s: Here's the lyrics for Copper :D

This is the greatest and best element in the world, copper.

long time ago me and my buddy Joel here, we was hitchiking down, a long an' lonesome road.

When all of a sudden, there stood a giant talking copper mine, in the middle of the road,

And he said!

Spoken: Mine, the best ore in the world, or I'll crush your souls.

Well me and Joel, we looked at eachoter, and we each said, "Let's mine."

So we extracted the ore from down in the vein and just so happened to be,

the best ore in the world, it was the best ore in the world.

Look into my eyes and it's easy to see,

it's atomic number's twenty-nine, and it's mass is sixty-three,

it was density.

Was discovered bout a hundred thousand years or so,

used for tools and weapons and wire and bowls, it has a lustrous glow...

So on and so forth :D very neat. Wrote it in about 30 minutes B) Anyhow, do whatever you want, just have fun with it.

Edited by Lord-of-the-strings
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