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What are yout thoughts on my posts on PG?

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Well, it's been brought to my attention that my "shoving pictures of my work down everyone's throats" is pissing certain members off.

Perhaps I should quit posting pic's of the work I do. The reason I do post them is simple, it offers different work that people can ask questions about.

I have spent hours writing posts answering questions, and writing tutorials on this site. I have posted pictures of examples of work that people ask about.

I have tried to be a CONTRIBUTING member.

Yes, I am a verified vendor, yes I pay for that status, as a point of interest, I can tell you EXACTLY how much work I have gotten for my advertising in a years time.

0 jobs, and 0 dollars.

I did not become a verified vendor solely to try to get work on here. I did it so that people would know that hey! this guy does this for a living, maybe he's not just talking through his hat. I have had no monetary gain from project guitar, in fact, much like Brian, my posting here, and contributing has cost me time which = money in this game. However, I want to try to help people because I know what it's like trying to learn without help. I was fortunate to have a luthier teach me alot of what I know, but when it comes to paint and graphics work, I am self taught. If I can pass on some info great.

However, if people think that my posting pictures of work that I have done is out of line I want to know.

I feel tonight like I should possibly just cut my ties here and move on. I never for one second thought I was coming across as arrogant, or rude with the posts I make. But apparently it's being viewed that way. My time is valuable to me, whether in doing work, or just spending it on my own personal activities.

I enjoy helping when I can, but if I'm out of line with the things I've done let me know.



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dude, you've forgotten the main guideline of the soapbox: don't take anything seriously

i love your tutorials and advice!! B) and personally I don't think you've ever placed a foot wrong on this forum

as much as i don't like what was said, if he really REALLY needed to vent he did the right thing by posting in the soapbox

i mean....c'mon, you KNOW that's not how the majority think of you, and nobody can expect to be liked by EVERYONE :D

you're practically a celebrity legend in these forums!!

i wouldn't worry about it.. :D

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Guest AlexVDL

Jeremy, your tutorials are super and well explained. Your pics are very nice and cool. You help lots of people, so what's wrong with that.

Even if you make money with your guitars, you still can be proud of something you made or custommized! And I think this forum and the PG site is the right place to "show off" your own stuff. I don't think it matters if you make money with it or not. The thing is you made it, and you're proud of it. I would!!!

It's not that you have a factory that throws out 50 guitar bodies per minute out of a CNC machine :D So I see no problem, just do what you always did. Help the people who want to be helped and show us more of your great stuff!

As for the GOTM, see the soap box stand B)

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Love your work, but I tell you, what I like more is the patience you've shown in explaining in detail, in a manner that can be understood by inexperienced finishers. Keep it going mate.

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Don't let someone get you down LGM, because your very good at what you do, and I for one really have really learned alot from you. For one thing, everyone was telling me nitro.. nitro.. and I was already sick of nitro.. but didn't realize that you didn't have to use nitro and that there is more options out there. From the way stewmac and others talk about it, you'd think nitro was the only thing you could use. You was the first one that directed to use poly instead... so I did some research and found out that PRS uses Dupont ChromaPremier paint.... I wouldn't have discovered that without you getting me to thinking of alternate methods of painting. Simply said, don't let some negative comments detour you from posting on the boards and showing your pictures. Just know that no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you do, some people still won't like it. But you can't let someone get the best of you, because if you quit posting and coming here to talk about the hobbies you enjoy, then they have gotten the best of you. Heck, if I'd packed it in, when someone said something negative about me, I'd probably never done anything in life.. lol... This can be a valuable lesson to you if you take it that way. You learned that sometimes people don't care what you do, but you got to keep going on and do what you enjoy, if for no other reason to say... F' U.. I'm not going anywhere!!!!

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Two quick tangents, then back to the normal thread.....

Direct quotes from "that VH guitar garage" site:

"We are closing up VH-Guitarstore so that we can focus on production of Trillian Guitars and another famous name to be announced later.  Our last day will be September 6th."

I couldn't have asked for a better b-day present! :-)

Have a little run-in with EVH's lawyers, did we?

"{Link to Project Guitar.com}Basically a site for the home do- it -yer-selfer.  Be very careful about the tutorials, especially the painting ones.  For some reason, they publish tutorials from anyone regardless if they are correct. Basically everyone over there is just a home hobbyist without any real knowledge."

Well, except for those who build and/or modify guitars for a living.

Doug- why would you leave up a link to a site you hate? Do you like libel suits *that* much? I don't get it....

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After calming down overnight, I have decided to continue with what I am doing on the forum, I will probably limit the pictures I put up, but I have spent hours writing tutorials that if certain people think come off as arrogant and self promoting that's their problem. I personally fail to see how showing somebody how something is done is self promoting.

I guess it comes down to you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Thank you for the vote of support here guys, if I EVER start to seem arrogant or anything like that please do let me know before it gets ugly again.

Thank you


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What is a yout? That's what the Judge (The Herman Monster guy) asked Vinnie (Joe Pesci) in the southern Alabama court room. You see Vinny was a lawyer from New York and had a New York accent. So what he called a yout is actually a youth. B)

BTW, wasn't Marisa Tomei hot in that movie... I guess she is in every movie :D

hehe.. I just noticed your from Arkansas.. that'd make sense you'd ask just like the country judge in the movie :D What part of Arkansas?

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