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Dont Know What To Do

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i found this body on ebay for like $60, and i bought it cuz i thought it was a steal but i just hav no idea what to do to it. ill probably fill the neck pocket and put in a dimarzio super distortion but i think i would need to will pot hole then also???? i dont kno much about electronics so i think that a single humbucker single volume would work nicely but i cant find a neck that will work properly.


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That's a real nice guitar body. Congratulations on a great deal.

Here's what I would do:

1. Add binding around the top of the guitar. Plastic will work best for a guitar like that.

2. Carefully measure the neck pocket. Determine if it has an angle.

3. Determine the scale length.

4. Build a neck that will match the neck pocket.

5. Glue the neck on to the body

6. Get all the hardware you'll need to complete the guitar

7. Finish the wood

8. Install the hardware

9. String her up

10. Rock Out!

Have fun!

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i found this body on ebay for like $60, and i bought it cuz i thought it was a steal but i just hav no idea what to do to it. ill probably fill the neck pocket and put in a dimarzio super distortion but i think i would need to will pot hole then also???? i dont kno much about electronics so i think that a single humbucker single volume would work nicely but i cant find a neck that will work properly.


Hello what type of wood is it ? $60 is good price if it is alder, ash etc

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I like the design but for some odd reason to me it looks as if someone Glued a jig on to the body :D


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im having a lot of trouble with the neck cuz its a set neck and the pocket is really low. i cant find any good set necks and chances are im not going to make a neck cuz i have no idea how and i probably dont have the tools. i hav an old washburn neck but its really beat up under the fretboard like someone took a hand saw to it so the heel of it isnt level and its not even tall enough for the pocket.

Hello what type of wood is it ? $60 is good price if it is alder, ash etc

i think its an alder top and some sort of rosewood on the back(sorry i dont hav a pic). i think i might hav gotten it cheap cuz lots of it just doesnt seem right like the neck pocket and the bridge/tunomatic slots are very shallow and its a pretty thin body. i will probably need to fill the toggle switch cavity as well because it is extremely small and i found a cheap switch that will fit but makes it very hard to feed wires in and out of it.

I like the design but for some odd reason to me it looks as if someone Glued a jig on to the body :D


wut do u mean a jig????? by a different wood on top, yes, because its not a veneer like thing.

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heres some pics of the washburn neck i want to use cuz its just been sitting around and the iceman is a washburn as well. I need advice on how to fix it cuz it is beat up.

u might be able to tell from the pics but the 15-21 frets were scalloped a while ago and i dont kno wut to use to polish/refinish them.

also the nut seems to hav gone missing and was wondering if there was anything i could make it out of that would be cool.





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Whoa, a big chunk is missing there! Polishing the scallops would be very easy and simple to do. Just find something round and use sandpaper and work your way up to higher grits. Infact, there's a good tutorial on how to polish scalloped fingerboards on this site. I'd personally use a pencil or a small wooden dowel for this job.

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I don't know how I'd go about that. You can very easily patch it up, but I don't know if my method would be the best way of going about it.

You could use a fence to guide a router on the heel and route a nice clean section off, then glue a new small piece of maple back on. I'm not saying remove the entire heel, but just a section of it. I'd wait to see what others have to say about it before giving it a try, though.

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wut do u mean a jig????? by a different wood on top, yes, because its not a veneer like thing.

:D I just dont like the top


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I don't know, but Iwould trash that neck, the body is new and that neck have seen the best of days! Just search the bay for a better neck. You can always glue a tenon to a bolt neck and just shape to the size you need for the pocket,

heres some pics of the washburn neck i want to use cuz its just been sitting around and the iceman is a washburn as well. I need advice on how to fix it cuz it is beat up.

Iceman is an Ibanez! Not a Washburn!

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ya, the body is made by washburn and its similar to an iceman so i didnt know what else to call it.

sorry for being a noob but how do you find the scale

The easiest way to figure out the scale is to simply find out the specs on the original guitar and find a neck to fit in the pocket. It's a long-tenon pocket, but if you can find a short-tenon neck with the right heel width and scale length, you can use that. Another option is to fill the neck pocket and the pickup route with wood, then re-route the neck pocket for whatever neck you can find. You'll have to put a veneer on the top or use an opaque finish after such surgery, but it's a good alternative to hacking up another neck.

+1 on ditching that old neck. It's toast.

Edited by crafty
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Can you show me were it says that it is made by washburn? Because I have never seen a guitar like that by them! And it looks just like a custom job, as many that are sold in the bay!

I would suggest you measure the neck pocket for the heel size, and look at Warmoth for the size of their heel. From there you will know if a standard strat will fit. It has to be a tight fit! If not, then I will do what Crafty suggested, and it will be a lot easier in the end.

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