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Zakk Wylde Custom


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In the interest of "logic" (one of my unfortunate obsessions because although I rarely mean it personally, it pisses people off), someone being famous and/or prolific doesn't put them above criticism; and by the same token, NOT being famous doesn't negate someone's ability to form an opinion or generate intelligent criticism. If fame were the only metric for judging ability and worthiness, we'd be in a really crap-tastic world of dreary oppression.

And again, just logic here... nothing personal... but for the very reasons you're allowed to lose your respect for Hendrix due to the nature of his death, others are allowed to continue respecting him/his music regardless of the cause of his death. And that reason is simply that we all have our own subjective value systems.

Away from logic and onto personal perspective: I think Satch's SSB was about as good as you can do with such a limited scope. I mean, if he had gone all 'widdly widdly' on the thing, it might not have translated into a proper tribute to the national anthem. Hendrix's was more than a touch sarcastic... the breakdown of the song is intentional and playing the anthem was meant ironically... it doesn't serve as an exhaltation. Satch was genuinely respecting the anthem, whether the playing was impressive or not. Plus, at the end when they put the caption of what you can't hear him say, "That was cool," it pretty much sums it up. He was just like a kid. That's pretty cool, too. :D


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Yeah, sorry if I have offened anyone- I respect both Stach and Hendrix equally. Yes, I know Hendrix overdosed and I don't support or condone drug use- but the man was a genius with 6-strings, and Satch is too. When it comes to the national anthem, Greg P summed up my thoughts on that.

And sorry if the "Autowah" was misdefined, it is a more subtle wah than I'm used to hearing and at a casual listen does sound like one. Also, I'm not a shredding pro or amazing guitarist by a loooong way, so my opinions aren't formed with musch musical critique- merely what I like. We can all form opinions on what we like and don't- rock rules, pineapple pizza sucks (seriously, how you can eat pineapple on a pizza!!!)

And back on topic, the shape of wyldes guitar is BAD, seriously, it's uglier than my face when I peel it from the carpet on a Sunday morning :D

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In the interest of "logic" (one of my unfortunate obsessions because although I rarely mean it personally, it pisses people off), someone being famous and/or prolific doesn't put them above criticism; and by the same token, NOT being famous doesn't negate someone's ability to form an opinion or generate intelligent criticism.

sooo...you believe this is intelligent criticism?

What is with the look of intense concentration on Joes face? He looks like he is playing some super complicated passage. Give me a break. He basically played the thing straight, except for the noted auto-wah.

sorry greg,once again you are just mislabeling your "touchy-feely" stuff as "logic".nothing personal,but in point of fact,you are actually not a logical or lineal thinker by any means.that is not a bad thing,but you should not keep crying "for the love of logic!" when it's more like "dude,that's the way i feel"

maybe you guys would have preferred satriani to stand straight up and look bored?...

but in all honesty these type of comments just crack me up,as they are too egotistical to take seriously.

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Dude, I can totally take Satch down in a solo battle royale. Yngwie? Pfft. He ain't got nuthin' on me!

Yes, that is the smell of sarcasm, Wes :D

After personally witnessing the awesomeness that is Satch, I was disappointed in that performance of the SSB. Maybe he wasn't, and that's all that matters, but it just left me unimpressed for whatever reason. I just wasn't feelin' it.

BTW, didn't Hendrix die from aspirating on his vomit after getting drunk?

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In the interest of "logic" (one of my unfortunate obsessions because although I rarely mean it personally, it pisses people off), someone being famous and/or prolific doesn't put them above criticism; and by the same token, NOT being famous doesn't negate someone's ability to form an opinion or generate intelligent criticism.

sooo...you believe this is intelligent criticism?

What is with the look of intense concentration on Joes face? He looks like he is playing some super complicated passage. Give me a break. He basically played the thing straight, except for the noted auto-wah.

sorry greg,once again you are just mislabeling your "touchy-feely" stuff as "logic".nothing personal,but in point of fact,you are actually not a logical or lineal thinker by any means.that is not a bad thing,but you should not keep crying "for the love of logic!" when it's more like "dude,that's the way i feel"

maybe you guys would have preferred satriani to stand straight up and look bored?...

but in all honesty these type of comments just crack me up,as they are too egotistical to take seriously.

edit: nevermind

Edited by Ben
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To sidetrack back to the original post....

I don't think that the shape of zakk's guitar is the same as the production one. Take a look at the photo here:


It looks as though (on there as well as on the video) the V begins and goes right alongside the string plate, whereas on the production guitar, it begins much later. I think his guitar looks nice, but the production looks horrible (funny how that maybe 1 inch difference can make....

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........and just to throw everyone off course, did you folks hear Ozzy was releasing a new album in stores may 23? With none other then Zakk on guitar, I heard one of the new tracks today on the radio station, it sounded, kind of heavy, but the solo was just to thumbs way down, too digital and just a complete wanking on the guitar,

And yes, the one Zakk is holding in that picture looks alot different then the production guitar,


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Nah, the logic was completely sound. You're just applying it to the wrong thing. My logic effectively countered your implication that you need to be famous to be able to criticize. It wasn't a statement on the intelligence of the criticism of Satch's face. Despite your rhetoric (which is all it is), my logic is almost always completely linear, and completely sound. When I forward "touchy feely" crap, I forward it as my opinion, not as logic. Even your follow-up statements had some logical fallacies. I might be (and AM) "touchy feely" in my personality, but I'm also fairly unshakeable in my logic, and your rhetoric (rhetoric NOT being logic) doesn't change that.

If you're interested, I can break the whole thing down for you, but I know you well enough to know that a lengthy response by me will just make you roll your eyes. :D It's tricky to be "touchy feely" and also enjoy following logic through... because people get pissed, and I'm sensitive to people getting pissed. <chuckle> Let's just say that you and I actually agree here, so there's no point fighting about it. I don't want to give the wrong message by picking out points that are unimportant in the grand scheme. :D


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It's called the muddy bullseye, and is a custom guitar for zakk.

You can find guitars of the same shape (it's a protoype called a split-tail), but being prototypes...they're...not cheap.


i think i'd hve better luck makin my own...

$20,000.00 f****** dollars is insane...

Well, there was about a twenty year period there when nobody was buying anything from Dean Z, so I guess he's gotta pay for the knappy ho's in his advertisements somehow. At least he didn't go the way of Kramer, although they put out some pretty sick axes that one can actually play in public without looking like a fool.

Although, I do like the Dean Cadillac for whatever reason.

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Even your follow-up statements had some logical fallacies.

except that i never claimed to be using logic in my argument.unlike you,i have no need to "butch up" my touchy feely stuff with a false claim to logic.i am secure in my masculinity.


OOoo... ouch... I feel co-shame for people who self-snap, especially when there was no actual burn. <cheeks start burning> Yikes... that's embarrassing for you....

But you see, you've still forgotten the point. My point was that there was NO touchy-feely stuff. You can't use your own false claim as evidence for a furthur (ad-hominem) statement--which is in turn a red herring or a straw man or both. Nah, my original point contained nothin' but pure logic. It simply spoke to your clearly fallacious contention that Satch is above criticism by anybody less famous and less talented. Tsk tsk. Even if not in THIS thread, you HAVE claimed to be logical in the past, so surely you MUST recognize this....

And I suspect you DO; hence the (completely unrelated) parting-shot rather than the admission that you probably shouldn't have tried stepping up. :D

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