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Strat To Lpish Converstion

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at the moment I've got a pulled apart squire strat in my shed

it needs repairs as wood between the neck pocket and the neck pickup is cracked badly

so I was thinking would it be possible to fix that up maybe do a new neck and put a top on it with a shape like this

i know the body would be really small...do you think that it would be one of those "cool a small bodied guitar" guitar or just so small it would be lame


thanks I'll probably end up doing some form of mod on it or I'll just bin it

Edited by tim_ado
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There'll be a lot of holes in your Cool&Small guitar.. From the Strat control caviti(es).

And if you plan to redo everything (out of "MaybeCheap" Squire wood), why not get a plank and do yourself a LesPaul Jr. ? I personnaly don't think that it'll be easier to do your idea than a new body from scratch.

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the way i see it, if you went ahead and did it, you might learn a lot more about building. Nothing really bad can happen if you decide to build it, so i say go for it. Yeah, you might get a lot of people saying its a dumb idea and its not worth the trouble, but who cares. I say go for it, try doing some new things (I personally wouldnt spend alot of money on the whole project).

maybe try making some of the parts yourself out cheap things you find layin around, itll get you more experience as a builder, and it might possibly get you a guitar worth playing every once and a while.

Edited by Ledzendrix1128
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the way i see it, if you went ahead and did it, you might learn a lot more about building. Nothing really bad can happen if you decide to build it, so i say go for it. Yeah, you might get a lot of people saying its a dumb idea and its not worth the trouble, but who cares. I say go for it, try doing some new things (I personally wouldnt spend alot of money on the whole project).

yeah thats the main idea of it

but I want to do a bit of planning to make a plausible design

instead of jumping straight in and making crap

There'll be a lot of holes in your Cool&Small guitar.. From the Strat control caviti(es).

no the new design goes around the cavitys

Edited by tim_ado
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  • 2 weeks later...

ok well i went for it and cut it up .......ill probaly get crap for it but ohh well

here it is with a rough cut


now as for ideas im thinking a shattered mirror on top with black grout inbetween

also with the pickups i want them to be underneath the mirror but i dont know how it will go with the mirror there any ideas???

as far as wiring go i dont want any knobs just the output .........not sure if it will work but if it doesnt then ill just change the design no worries

Edited by tim_ado
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hmmm it doesnt look too bad...you need to neaten up the sides though.

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yeah im not finsihed with the shape of it though

i guess the sustain block it under the bridge

i just took the bridge off and didnt want to take it out i dont know?? haha

what did you have in mind for a pickgaurd i havnt really thought about it but if it looks good why not do it

Edited by tim_ado
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It's about the same size as a Nighthawk/Blueshawk. Pretty cool if you manage to finish'er up right, actually. :D

I'm still not sure how the top's going to turn out. The mirror thing doesn't strike me as a good idea, but what the heck do I know. Not much. It's the end result of the top that's oging to make or break this project. :D

If you put pickups UNDER a mirror, you might not generate enough of a signal from the vibrating strings. That's the main risk. Borrow a strat (since you've cut up yours!) and lower the pickups flush with the pickguard-- you'll already notice a significant loss of volume and tone. Putting them UNDER the mirror (equivalent to lowering them even lower than flush with a pickguard) just makes it that much more of an issue.


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yeah thats wat im thinking .....but with the mirror on is the equivalent to having them flush to the pick gaurd

but im still not 100% convince it will work

another idea i had was to cover the whole body in canvas still having pickups underneath(but a whole lost less of interferance im guessing)

then paint some mad idea ontop of it

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Not really, because if it was "flush" with the pickguard, the polepieces are more or less the same level as the pickguard's top. Underneath the mirror, they're at the same level as the pickguard's underside.

Have you considered using a piece of 1/8" veneer over the whole top? I don't know for sure how it would work, but in my imagination I'm thinking something just thick enough to be sturdy but thin enough that you don't have to shim the neck pocket or anything.

[edit: hrm. Forgot about the arm carve... I'll keep the original thought there in case it's worth anything to you, but the carve certainly adds a bit more complexity to the plan]

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a guitar with no knobs will work fine, and obviously be very easy to wire.

But of course you'll have no way to shut the thing up except from unplugging it.

maybe you could add an on/off toggle switch?

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a guitar with no knobs will work fine, and obviously be very easy to wire.

But of course you'll have no way to shut the thing up except from unplugging it.

maybe you could add an on/off toggle switch?

Yeh, I would make a recess in the back of the guitar and install a rocker type switch for on/off ability. That way it wouldn't be visible.

Maybe you could make the top a mirror top like you want, but leave room for the pickup cavities and just make the pickup covers to match the top. It would pretty much blend in.


Edited by CrazyManAndy
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Maybe you could make the top a mirror top like you want, but leave room for the pickup cavities and just make the pickup covers to match the top.

yeah thats the other option but it want the top to be not very busy by having the pickups underneath but obviously if its not going to work

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